𝔇𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔯 !

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[ Disclaimer ]

Hi! Welcome to my first disclaimer chapter of 2024.

Copyright © 2024 Nikie_Sterling_27 All Rights Reserved

"No part of this fanfiction may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author."

1. Time travel!

The main four (including my oc to the trio) have two sets of names and we have to make references about what happened in the past as it's included in the modern day. A good first section of the story is of the four in the past and I will make that clear for you and for me as it can get confusing. I've included the cast characters from both the past and the "present" plus their actors name as a reference at the beginning and end of the chapter to try and make keeping track of who is who easier.

2. Female OC!

As always, female original character. Unlike before where I would have just revealed it and moved on I just would like to say please don't make my face claim idea a thing. I get that it might not be your preferred actress but it's my story, my idea and I put a lot of time and consideration into it as I'm trying to fit the face to the show while also being age conscious cause I'm not about to pair a teen with a whole grown adult or vice versa.

So please. If you don't agree with my vision then either keep it to yourself or move on.

3. The romance/plot.

Listen... that ending? That came out of nowhere and left us all confused and like huh??


I am going to try and do better than that whole mess that the ending was. And I know the logistical explanation is that new writers got brought in about half way in the show and hence why the plot suddenly changed like that to make it more like a stereotypical love triangle drama (even though the original set up was that it wasn't) BUT I don't mess with it. I think it was a terrible set up, messed up the first half of the show and it really didn't need to happen.

So I'm going to do better. Hopefully. I'm going to really, really try.

4. Cha Hyung-bin vs Kim Soo-hyuk !

I hate and love how his "future" self is literally his actual name but as a Kim instead of Lee and his past self has his last name from Joo-ik in Doom at your service. It's both hilarious and also makes me wonder if actual Soo-hyuk noticed it too.

Um, okay, no easy way to say this but I'm going to say it cause I have to address it now versus later in the comments.

Hyung-bin is going to go something in the first "act" / section in the past to/with my fem oc that will make you think 'wow. Garbage. Throw him away. Nikie, wtf are you doing?'

BUT!! I'm telling you now that it goes no further than the emotional implications and the one action. He will still do what he needs to do with his original girl, my girlie will move on and do her thing, and in the "future" all will be good and dandy and his heart will be purely hers. But I gotta spice up the first portion cause there's so much focus on Ha-eun and her heart disease that I'm pretty sure all of you are going to be like 'Nikie when the hell are we going to get out of snooze town and into the goods?' And I want to give that to you but all the building blocks for the rest of the show comes from the first four or five episodes and come back so I can't just ignore it!


I. Love. Getting. Comments.

They tell me that you, the readers, are engaged and paying attention. It lets me know what I'm doing well and what I'm not doing well. And I enjoy the occasional interactions I have with you and I hope you don't find me annoying.


Please let's continue to be mindful of our words and attempts at tones over text. I can try and interpret what you mean but if it's making me confused or feeling like I'm getting slighted in some manner then I don't feel great in continuing to write and more likely than not either I'm going to reply to you to figure it out or I'm going to just flat out mute you. Which isn't fun on either on our part so please. Let's avoid it.

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