Chapter 10: The Proposal and Battle. (Fixed)

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This will be the first chapter for 2024. Yay. And dw. Your Late 1k will come very soon

Yeah. Enjoy the chapter

Narrator's POV

After getting dragged out of there. Warszawa found themselves in Queen Elizabeth's room. Specially her balcony as he was sitting there. With a teacup in hand. As he watch the Queen herself infront of her.

She seem to be enjoying herself with his company for some reason. Which made Warszawa curious.

I mean. Who wouldn't?

You arrived at port. Trying to be responsible and respectul to everyone. Then their leader just goes in and drags you out of view from the public and into her room's balcony for what?. For a little chit-chat and tea party?

(A/N: Like it or not or don't care at all. QE will call Warszawa "Servant". Just like what she calls you in AL. But as time goes on. She will start to open to our protagonist and stop calling him Servant. Instead calling him by his name. But for now. She will be calling Warszawa Servant for the duration of this chapter and future chapters until she opens up more. Because we haven't cracked through her thick Tsundere side yet)

Queen Elizabeth: So... Servant. I will be asking you a few questions and I want you to answer them with the UTMOST honesty. Got it?

Of course she will call Warszawa that. Like Warszawa already knows he will be called that ever since he saw her on the dock. I mean. What do you expect from Queen Elizabeth?

Warszawa: Of course Your Majesty.

Queen Elizabeth: Okay. First Question. Where did you come from?. When and where were you created and how?

Warszawa's feels like she just combined three questions to one.

Warszawa: Well... I am from Poland. Obviously, for the second one I was created in a Polish shipyard. And how I was created is an interesting one..

Queen Elizabeth: Oh?. How so?

Warszawa: Well. My nation did have Steel to created me. But not enough. They estimated that only 48% of me would be completed if they use all the steel available in my country. So the government decided to ask the Scandinavian countries, Ironblood and the Northern Parliament if their willing to send Steel.

Queen Elizabeth: Wait. They asked Ironblood too? Aren't you and Ironblood supposed to be enemies?

Warszawa: Well. Yeah your right. That's the exact reason why my Country's leader wasn't surprised when Ironblood basically said "No" to our request. Northern Parliament didn't respond too.. But the Scandinavian's did. They essentially found out about me. But instead of telling my existence to my potential enemies. They decided to help with construction by donating the steel needed for my completion.

Queen Elizabeth: Ohhh. So your not maid of pure Polish steel. But made of a combination of steel from multiple countries. Right?

Warszawa: Thats right your Majesty.

Warszawa: Actually...

Queen Elizabeth: Hm? What is it my Servant?

Warszawa: I had a mission assigned to me by my Admiral... I forgot.

Queen Elizabeth: Oh?. Care to explain the details of this mission?

Warszawa: Well. It's kinda a search and rescue mission to search the whereabouts of my comrades.

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