Chapter 5

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"Hey Travis do you think you and Jason can post the link to the full video of the incident on your socials. More people are going to see it on you guys's than mine."

Annabelle asked her brother over the phone, the man chuckled his sister obviously hadn't checked social media before asking this.

"I don't think you need us, you got Tree Paine on your side. She literally reposted the video with the message: Taylor would like these people to stop press people about her dating life. Especially when it puts people in danger. So I think it's sorted, but I do have a question for you."

Travis told his sister who let out a sigh of relief, but she was a little confused why tree was defending her, had Taylor told her about the date, of course she had.

"What is it, T?"

Annabelle asked her twin brother, as she put some rice in the microwave, she had decided to eat before having a shower.

"What did you do to get Taylor Swift's publicist to back you up?"

Travis asked her, Annabelle knew she was going to have to lie to her brother, but deciding that if push comes to shove she was going to ask Taylor if she could tell her brother about their date.

"I was asking myself the same question."

Annabelle lied to her brother as she sent a message to Taylor,

Annabelle Kelce
Hey Taylor, tell your publicist thank you for putting out that statement. On another note is it alright if I tell my brother about our date?

Annabelle sent the message just as her brother spoke again, Annabelle could tell that he was shaking his head.

"You and I both know that ain't the truth, A. So do you want to tell me what is going on now?"

Travis asked his sister, Annabelle noticing the three dots appear, stalling for time while she waited for Taylor's answer, there was a lot of umming and aring.

THE Taylor Swift
Sure as long as you are sure they won't tell anyone else 😸

Annabelle let out a breath as she got the answer from Taylor.

"I'm waiting A."

Travis told his sister, Annabelle laughed before she finally answered her brother.

"Okay if I tell you this you have to promise not to tell another soul."

Annabelle asked her brother who gave a nervous chuckle,

"What about Jason?"

Travis asked Annabelle, who let out a little chuckle before putting a spoonful of rice and teriyaki chicken in her mouth, groaning, she loved teriyaki chicken.

"What ya eating?"

Travis asked getting distracted from the task at hand, a common occurrence with the twins seeing both of them had ADHD.

"Teriyaki chicken, but back to what you asked before, I'm going to tell Jason it myself and then you can talk about it with him if you want but no one else, you hear me?"

Annabelle told her brother who signed, he was a terrible cook while Annabelle was one of the best in their family, he really missed her making meals for him sometimes.

"I love your teriyaki chicken, do you think you could bring some next time you visit, pretty please."

Travis practically begged Annabelle who laughed at how her brother had become completely distracted.

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