justice for percy's hair

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❝ that's corny never say that again ❞

IN HER cabin, Aria hastily gathered her belongings, her movements precise and purposeful. She packed a celestial bronze dagger, a gift from her father, neatly secured in a leather sheath. The polished blade gleamed in the dim light of the cabin as she slid it into her backpack.

Next, she added a small pouch containing ambrosia and nectar, gifts from the gods capable of healing wounds. She was definitely going to have to use it on Percy. She could already tell that he would need a lot of healing. It was a practical choice, considering the perils they were about to face and Aria recognised the weight of responsibility that came with being a child of Apollo, a healer among warriors.

Aria paused, her fingers brushing over a framed photo of her mother. Her eyes deepened in sadness, but she couldn't afford to dwell on it now. Instead, she carefully placed the photo at the top of her backpack, giving it a final glance.

Will Solace entered the cabin with a solemn expression. His eyes, a striking shade of blue, met Aria's gaze, and he offered a small smile. "Be careful out there Aria. I'll be praying to Dad to keep an eye on you."

She returned the smile. "I will. Take care of things here."

As she zipped up her backpack, Annabeth entered the cabin. Her black braided hair was pulled back into a practical ponytail, and her eyes held a steely determination. "Percy and Grover are outside waiting."

Aria nodded, slinging the backpack over her shoulder. She picked up her bow and arrow and its familiar weight reassured her in a strange way. With one final glance around her cabin, where the glow of the Apollo symbol seemed to flicker with a fleeting warmth, she followed Annabeth out, leaving the familiar comforts of her home behind.

The rain persisted, turning the camp into a glistening labyrinth of wet paths and drooping foliage. As Aria and Annabeth navigated through the rain soaked terrain, they approached Percy, who was standing there awkwardly waiting. Percy's once neatly combed blonde hair now resembled a tangle of wet noodles, and Aria couldn't help but find amusement in the sight.

"What are you giggling at, Silvers?" Percy questioned, his green plaid shirt clinging to him, now drenched and hanging loosely off his skinny arms.

Aria chuckled, raindrops glistening in her tousled hair. "How stupid your hair looks. It's like you wrestled a sea monster, and the sea monster won."

Percy rolled his eyes, but a smirk played on his lips. "Well, blame the rain. It's not exactly hair-friendly weather."

As they made their way through the rain soaked camp, Grover, ever enthusiastic, zipped into view with his flying shoes. The shoes propelled him effortlessly above the ground, and he glided down to join the trio, muttering the word 'maia'.

"Watch out below!" Grover called, landing with a twirl and a flourish.

Aria raised an eyebrow at his showmanship. "Fancy shoes you've got there, Grover. Are they designer?"

Grover chuckled, adjusting the shoes. "No designer labels, I'm afraid. They're a gift from Luke, courtesy of Percy."

Percy chimed in, "Yeah, Luke had these flying shoes, but I didn't want them. I mean, I can't exactly fly, and if Zeus catches me using those, he'll fry me like a piece of calamari."

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