Stuck in the Fnaf Hotel part 1

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Later that night

Everybody was passed out and drunk except for you and the girls. You guys kept making noise because of a stupid reason.

Roger yelling: noise, noise, noise, noise, noise day!!!!!!! today is my day

Sona yelling: is it still happy New Year's?

Jane: shut up I'm trying to sleep

Sophie, Veronica, and Noelle we're holding their ears

Kira yelling,: some of us are trying to sleep my mom and your mom are trying to sleep too

Jane yelling: OK, Roger, quiet down!!!

Roger yelling: what did she say?

Leah yelling: she said, quiet down

The next day

The adults were at the table, eating breakfast

Sophie: I couldn't sleep at all last night because of Roger and the kids this is your fault Veronica

Veronica: excuse me, how's this my fault

Sophie: you want kids and now you have them

Noelle: she has a point my kids act crazy all the time when they're angry, and when Jane is angry, run run and don't look back

Suddenly, the girls came down for breakfast

Sasha: morning guys

Veronica: ain't no, good morning me what the heck is wrong with you and everyone else you should not be making noise in the middle of the night when I was trying to sleep, Sophie and Noelle included

Noelle: Veronica relax they're just kids

Veronica: are you kidding me? No one in this house is a kid and let me remind you that your daughter pretends to be a dog. If you ask me if she wants to be a dog, then put her in the dog house.

Noelle: no one talks about Sarah like that

Sarah looks down in shame

Sophie: Veronica, calm down at least this, can't get any worse

Roger: hey guys

Everybody went to the stairs

Roger: I'm going to make history on how to fly down the stairs, faster

You ran back to your room and then you ran down the stairs but you fell down the stairs and then you were bouncing all over the place and then you went right into the TV but Veronica got mad

Veronica Mad: that's it!!!!!!!

You and the girls looked at Veronica with fear in your eyes

Veronica: ever since we had that party last night, you guys have been going out of hand lately ever since you guys reach adulthood that gives you the right to goof off and be reckless. I don't think so because of you guys I can't sleep last night I can't sleep because of y'all is time to shut up New Year's is over

Jordan: sorry Mom you're just gonna have to put up with it where living our best lives. There's nothing you can do about it.

Veronica: oh, really wait here I'm packing your bags all of your bags

Veronica went upstairs grabbed 10 book bags and she packed all your stuff including the girls and then she came back downstairs, throwing the bags at you guys

Hannah: what gives

Leah: what is going on here?

Veronica: since you guys think you can live your lives by making noise and starting trouble, you can do that by leaving you can't come back in the house for 20 days and now you guys can leave us alone

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