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That is how I imagine Violet dressed for the party.

(Violet Juliet Blackwood)

As the final school bell rang, signaling the end of another long day, I hurriedly gathered my things and dashed home, eager to prepare for the upcoming party. The anticipation of the event buzzed inside me, filling me with excitement and a touch of nervousness. Summer was just around the corner, and the warm weather had already begun to make its welcome presence known.

Racing against the ticking clock, I rummaged through my closet for the perfect attire. In the end, I pick a short, vibrant blue dress that complemented the sunny atmosphere of the evening. The dress was both flattering and comfortable, ideal for a fun-filled night ahead. I had the ulterior motive of impressing some of the highest-ranking werewolves of the pack, who would also attend the gathering.

I quickly changed into my chosen dress, a blue one that clung to my figure in all the right places. I reached for my curling iron and began working my way through my voluminous locks. As each strand of hair transformed into loose waves, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. The natural, tousled look perfectly complemented the casual yet chic vibe of the party. With my hair finally styled, I turned my attention to the finishing touches. I rummaged through my jewelry box and found a delicate silver necklace that added just the right amount of sparkle to my attire. As I slipped it on, I couldn't help but smile at my reflection. Everything was falling into place, and I was ready to embrace the evening festivities. Grabbing my purse and slipping on a comfortable pair of sandals, I made my way. I decided that for the party, I wanted to embrace a more effortless and carefree look.

A sound echoed through the house. It was my mother's voice, urging me to hurry up. "We don't want to be late," she called from downstairs. I took one last look in the mirror, adjusting my hair and makeup, before making my way downstairs.

To my surprise, there stood my little brother, dressed impeccably in a snazzy suit. He grinned mischievously, clearly delighted to be joining me at the party. "Looking sharp, little bro," I chuckled, ruffling his hair. He beamed at me, his excitement contagious.

As I approached my family, my father emerged from his office, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Are you ready?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. My mother, always the organized one, nodded eagerly in response, excitement shining in her eyes. "We can't wait to see you shine tonight," she added, her voice filled with pride and encouragement. I nodded, my heart swelling with gratitude for their unwavering support.

The clock on the wall ominously displayed the time - 6:50 pm. We had about ten minutes to reach our destination, and I felt my heart race. With every passing second, the excitement grew, fueling our determination to make it on time.

Without wasting another moment, we swiftly made our way outside, piling into the car. My father took the wheel while my mother adjusted her seatbelt in the passenger seat. I settled myself in the back, ensuring my dress looked impeccable, and my little brother fidgeted with excitement beside me.

As the car zoomed through the winding roads, the twinkling city lights came into view, signaling the proximity of our destination. The hum of anticipation filled the air inside the car, and laughter bubbled forth from my little brother, unable to contain his glee. "This is going to be so much fun!" he exclaimed, bouncing in his seat.

"We're almost there," my father reassured, his eyes focused on the road. "Remember to be confident and let your unique strengths shine. They'll be impressed, I'm sure of it." I nodded, grateful for my father's words of wisdom and support.

We pulled into the parking lot at precisely 7:00 pm, our arrival as punctual as ever. Stepping out of the car, we joined the growing throngs of party-goers, the lively chatter and infectious energy filling my senses. The sight of the highest-ranking werewolves, elegantly dressed and exuding power, only heightened the butterflies in my stomach.

With a deep breath, I walked confidently towards the entrance, ready to make an impression and seize the evening. As I stepped into the party, I couldn't help but feel a sense of adventure and excitement, knowing that an unforgettable night awaited me, fueled by the magic of the summer.

As I stepped through the grand entrance of Alessandro's highly anticipated 16th birthday party, a surge of excitement and nerves coursed through my veins. The elegant venue was adorned with glittering lights, vibrant decorations, and a cacophony of laughter and music filled the air. It was a celebration befitting a milestone in Alessandro's life, and the energy of the crowd buzzed with anticipation and revelry.

As my eyes scanned the room, searching for Alessandro amidst the sea of familiar faces, I couldn't help but notice the mischievous glint in his eyes. Suddenly, his gaze met mine, and time seemed to momentarily freeze. It was as if an invisible thread connected us, pulling me towards him and filling my heart with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

In that moment, a single word escaped from Alessandro's mouth, barely audible amidst the overpowering noise. "Mate." The word hung in the air, weighted with meaning that was not lost on me. It was a term commonly used in connection with soulmates or individuals destined for a deeper connection. My mind raced, trying to understand the implications of his declaration.

Before I could gather my thoughts or respond, Alessandro surprised everyone by lunging forward, his sudden movement startling those around us. Gasps echoed in the room, followed by a chorus of shouts and exclamations as others quickly sprang into action, trying to process whats wrong.

Fortunately, amid the chaos, someone managed to intervene, grabbing hold of Alessandro and firmly pulling him back, effectively halting his advance. Confusion and concern painted the faces of the pack as they tried to comprehend what had just happened. Meanwhile, I stood there, still trying to process the whirlwind of emotions that consumed me.

Sensing my discomfort, my father swiftly appeared by my side, his protective presence a source of peace amidst the chaos. He wrapped a reassuring arm around me and guided me away from the crowd, his voice a calm balm in the midst of the storm.

Making our way towards the exit, my mind raced with questions, desperately grasping for answers. Why did Alessandro react that way? What did his declaration of "Mate" truly mean? I longed for an explanation, for clarity in the midst of the confusion that clouded my mind.

Once safely outside, away from the chaotic energy of the party, my father turned to me, his expression filled with empathy and understanding. He spoke softly, his voice carrying the weight of experience and wisdom. He explained that, given our young ages and Alessandro's apparent lack of emotional control, pursuing a romantic relationship would be a risk that could potentially lead to heartbreak and devastation.

Though his words were difficult to accept, deep down, I knew my father was right. Alessandro's impulsive lunge highlighted the unpredictability of his emotions, and jeopardizing our young hearts for a relationship that might not withstand the test of time seemed unwise.

As we drove home, a sense of heaviness hung in the air, mingling with disappointment and a flicker of hope that this was not the end. My father's promise that when I turned 18, if my feelings were still true and Alessandro had gained mastery over his emotions, we would find a way to reconnect offered a glimmer of possibility.


Thank you if you are still reading this. It means so much to me.

This is kinda a long chapter but I like it.

What will happen next? Will Alessandro control his emotions?

1340 words

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