Gusu is familiar

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Lan wangjj and Wei wuxian got ready for their gusu trip. Wei wuxian was very excited as she likes mountains very much , she likes winters too since gusu as snow and is mountain her feelings has no bound meanwhile lan wangji was excited but he got feeling that something else is going to happen in their trip to gusu , he didn't dare neglect his instinct so he called his brother to keep an eye on stalker. After the confirmation that the stalker was nowhere near he finally sigh with relief and focused on enjoying with his girlfriend.

At gusu

After much hardwork they were finally infront of gusu gate and both were stunned lan wangji wasn't able o say anything his eyes were widened and he said stuttering " thi..this looks"   " awfully familiar" wei ying completed his words and they both looked at each other with knowing feeling. The feeling that gusu is familiar is so strong that they couldn't ignore it.

In the end they just decided to enjoy their trip. Wei ying felt very nolgastic but she ignored it and just focused on beauty of this place but lan wangji wasn't able to ignore this familiar feeling. He was feeling nostalgic,  sadness, longing all in one and it was annoying him . He was fine till he saw a residence away from the main clan. The residence was secluded he went near residence and read name " jingshi" .

As soon as he read the name a flash passed through his vision, A beautiful women was teasing his son and his son was very annoyed with his mother's teasing but still didn't go away and just sit beside his mother while keeping his head down , then he saw that boy in the gate of residence , the boy was kneeling probably wanting the gate to be open but a man with black beard harshly asked him to copy rules and said  his mother will not come back , Lan wangji was very angry, how can someone say this to a child.

As much as he was confused he entered residence and turned his head , saw another flash, A man was holding a child, his back was covered with blood yet the man didn't care about any of these , he was holding the child and tears were coming nonstop from his eyes Lan wangji didn't know if it was because ofain or something else then he saw that man being drunk and searching for something and another man was behind him trying to calm him down giving him beautiful jade flutes yet the drunken man throw them away saying this wasn't the flute he was searching for , He saw the brother going away for sometimes and the drunken man took a iron stick with pattern Lan wangjj didn't know what he was going to do with that iron stick, the drunken man kept the iron stick in fire and opened his robes enough to reveal his chest , he pressed iron stick against his chest and smiled in satisfaction this was so traumatizing for lan wangji that he couldn't help but to shed tears , the face of drunken man was blur but lan wangji felt that man was familiar , he was pitying him what on the earth happened for this man to be so.....sad. As he was going outside he saw a red ribbon he was attracted toward that ribbon and picked it up and almost subconsciously kissed that ribbon in the end he just decided to take the ribbon back with him.

Wei ying was very excited and was roaming around in the main clan , she saw something like a classroom? she went inside and vision flashed infront of her eyes, She saw several students sitting in  a row and a man with black beard reading something like rules? , She saw a mischievous teenager glancing at the student which was sitting in front she could tell that the teenager was trying to attract the student's attention. She chuckled and went outside of classroom, She wasn't controlling her feet anymore , Her feet took her to famous library of gusu and another vision flashed in front of her eyes, She saw that student sitting and writing something and the teenager was sitting across the student , teenager was getting bored with the stuff he was assigned to do and went near the student to annoy him a bit , teenager went near student and was talking some nonsense and suddenly that teenager replaced books infront of rhe student table , wei ying exclaimed clever! Student picked that book up and threw that away as the book bite him , student glared at teenager,  wei ying saw the book was of pornography and she couldn't control her laugh anymore she laughed her heart out , she laughed so hard that tears came into her eyes , she went outside the library and met with lan wangji whose eyes had different emotion , they both could read each other eyes and they knew , Gusu has story to tell and this place is so significant and magical that the place is itself telling the tale of probably two boys.

Wei ying smiled knowingly to lan wangji and they both decided to roam around caiyi town , as they reach another gate of gusu , this time vision flashed infront of both their eyes and they saw those two boys meeting
The couples ignored it and took a shelter at caiyi town. They booked one bedroom,  initially lan wangji wanted ehm ehm but now the things are changed he wasn't in mood of ehm ehm anymore. They were cuddling each other and thinking of the events wei yiing suddenly said " lan zhan, let's just go away from here , this place is ......influencing me too much" Wei ying wasn't that much effected but she saw state of his boyfriend and knew the boy wasn't going to suggest it for her so she took the lead , lan wangji agreed and they both booked the next flight to Beijing. When they both were checking out , lan wangji saw a blue lotus in wei ying's hand he asked " why are you holding this flower?"
" I just felt attracted toward it , I found it in cloud recess"

lan wangji just ignored it and they both fly back to Beijing.


Hello guysss , I am back . I don't know when I can update next but I will try to be faster  and also I am here to explain the significance of the blue lotus if you don't know.

Blue lotus is symbol of wangxian, The lotus represent wei ying meanwhile the blue color of lotus represent Lan wangji. I read it somewhere in in instagram so I decided to use it.

I will be back with next chapter soon.

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