Chapter 6 - The Station

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"What are you doing, Jess? These are your friends."

The water in the room sinks and you take your helmet off once it's under your head. You stare in disbelief at Curtis body, when someone grabs you and turn you around. You meet Jonas eyes and he looks at you with worry and relief as he checks you over.

The water sinks down and you look at Jiuming holding Curtis body.

Rigas starts to exclaim angrily and you go to her.

"Hey Rigas, lets try to keep it together." You tell her.

"We're not out of the woods yet." Joans says.

You take off your suit and help Meying at the same time. Rigas and Jonas walks out of the airlock first with they're guns raised. You behind them with Meying and Jiuming.

Walking out you watch your surroundings.

"Where is everybody?" Meying asks.

Continuing through the station you start smelling something.

"What's that smell?" Rigas asks, noticing the same.

"Diver." Jonas says.

Jonas opens a door and goes in.

"Nobody home." He states.

"I'll cover the door." Rigas says and you walk past her following Jonas into the room.

"Whoever's running this, is not our friends." Jonas say sand disconnects a camera. "We need to contact Mana One asap. Think you can handle that?" He asks you and Meying. You look to Meying and she nods to him.

"Yeah." She says and start working, you stand beside her to help where you can.

Jiuming and Jonas looks around the room.

"What is it that they're mining?" Jonas asks.

"Whatever it is, they're sending it up in these pods." Rigas says, you look toward the pods.

Jonas throws a rock to Jiuming and he examines it.

"Hm. Rare earth metals." He says. "They're used in super detector, airspace and quantum computing."

"This box alone, could be worth a billion dollars."

"Billion with a b?" Jonas asks.


"Mana One." Meying says and you look at her screen. She turns to Jonas. "Jonas. The coms are live."

"Come in. It's Jonas. Do you get this?" He asks into the camera and coms.

"You're alive! What's your status?" You hear Jess ask and you sigh in relief when you see her on the screen.

"We lost Sal, Lance and Curtis." He tells her. "We're at the station. It's a rogue mining cooperation."

"Is there anyone down there?" She asks.

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