Chapter 7 - Montes sub

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"Well, Meying would've killed me."

(Some scenes from the surface.)

"Montes sub, that's our ride out of here." Jonas says as we run through the station.

Jonas gets into it first and then help you down there.

"There's a leak in the hydraulics." You tell jonas and goes up beside him.

"Predatory countermeasures are down." Jiuming says.

"We'll never make it past the megs." Rigas says.

"We need a distraction.. Light up the station, the meg will attack it."

"Yeah, and kill us." Rigas tells him.

"Not if we're fast enough!" He says and climb back up.

"Jiuming!" Jonas shout.


"Hey, Rigas. For a moment i thought you were gonna kill me back there." Jonas tells her as he prepares the sub with you.

"Well, she did say to shoot you in the heart, and i know for a fact you don't got one of those." She jokes and he laughs.

Then suddenly the sub bumps to the side and you fall into the wall, Jonas hurriedly helps you up and takes you to the controls.

"We gotta close the hatch, Jonas." Rigas says and the sub continues to numb to the sides as the megs attack the station. "We're all gonna die." She exclaim.

"Shut up Rigas!" You shout angrily.

"He's gonna make it!" Jonas says.

"No, he's not." Rigas says.

"Shut up Rigas! He's gonna make it!" You exclaim.

"No, we have to close the hatch!" She screams. "Close it, Jonas."

Jonas stays quiet to try and listen for Jiuming.

"I'm here." You hear him and you sigh getting ready.

"That's him." Jonas says and climbs down, letting Jiuming climb down and he closes the hatch after him.

You drive the sub away from the station.

"That was close." Jonas sighs.

"To close." Jiuming pants. "You should have shut the hatch." He claps Jonas shoulder.

"Well, Meying would've killed me." Jonas tells him.

"But you thought about it."

"Yeah, we thought about it did. Didn't we, Rigas?" Jonas asks her turning to her.

"Shut up." She sighs.

"Just a little bit." You tell Jiuming from your seat.

"Very funny." Jiuming says and Chinese, making you and Jonas laugh. Jiuming joining in and clapping Jonas shoulder.

You get through the thermocline.

"Explosives? Check this out." Jiuming says when he founds it in the sub.

"What else?" Jonas asks.

You see the hole in the thermocline.

"Guys. Look." You say. The others come to look through the windows.

"Is that gonna be a problem?"

"It's a hole in the thermo layer, it must've been caused by the mining explosions. It will weal up eventually." Jiuming says.

"Eventually?" Jonas asks.

"Yeah, within the hour." He tells him.

"Can the megs follow us through?" Meying asks.

"I hope not." Jiuming says.

(Scene with montes in the trench.)
(Scene with Jess, Mac and Dj.)

You reach the surface with Montes sub.

"What's that?" Jiuming asks and points to the screens showing footage of people with guns on the rig.

"Trouble." Jonas answers.


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