chain saw

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Pop and his now ex-wife bar were fighting
Pop: I'm so sick of you... you are never here
Bar: fuck you
*Pop goes to play with cub*
Pop: my baby boy how are you
*cub makes baby sounds*
Pop: I love you my son
*Pop gives him a kiss on cubs cheek and he holds him in his arms then bar comes with a knife and slices pops hand*
Pop: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!
*Pop falls to the ground in pain*
*Pop grabs the phone and trys to kick of bar that is trying to stab him Pop manages to knock her out while Pop phones the poilce and an ambulance...Pop who is in lots of pain goes to comfort cub as poilce disco bear and lumpy come in and run to find Pop and bar is awake and attacking Pop but Pop grabs a chainsaw and Put it where is missing arm is to use it as an chain saw arm (pretty cool huh? :D) *the police come and take bar away she screams and pop holds cub close to his chest....*
Pop: oh cub I promise I won't let anyone harm you my son
Cub: daddy
*pops eyes go wide when he hears this and he smiles*
Pop: did you say dada?
*cub tries to reach for pop's chainsaw arm but pop pulls it away*
Pop: my sweet son I don't want you to get hurt....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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