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The 2Min couple is left babysitting Jiwon, Woosik and Jeongsoon alongside their cats who are jealous of the kids because they think that they are trying to steal their parents. Again, a 2Min chapter. I really want to put others story too but they are my fav.

I am really sorry for not posting anything. I had storyline in my mind but it is too cold and I was too lazy to type due to the same. It was semester break so I was chilling at my house sleeping. I will try to post more regularly now. Sorry for being lazy.

Also, idk what to use for Hyunjin, Felix and Jeongin. Eomma or papa?

1 Month Later, Sunday

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1 Month Later, Sunday.

Minho sighed for the countless times today. Those kids are giving him a headache.

"I just wanted to sleep today. Here I am babysitting them."

"Jagi don't be lazy and lay on the sofa. Help me handle these naughty kids."

"I am tired."

"This early? You are getting ol-"

Seungmin shut his mouth when Minho glared at him. Soonie, Doongie and Dori watched the two getting stressed. Dori went and held Minho's leg. Soonie went and held Seungmin's leg.

Doongie went and scratched Jiwon's face and stood at a corner. Soonie and Dori went and stood in front of him.

"Naughty kids." Minho said petting his cats.

Seungmin checked Jiwon's face in meantime.

"Yeobo, let me bring antiseptic."

Minho went to the room to get the first aid box. He came and applied the cream on her face.

"Call my appa." Jiwon cried.

"He is at work."

"No call him." She kept crying.

"She is as dramatic as Hyunjin."

"Looks like I need to give a call to Jisung."

Seungmin called Jisung.

"Hello, Ji."

"What happened?"

"Your dramatic daughter wants to talk with you."

He put the phone on speaker.

"Hello appa. Min uncle cat scratched me. I hurt. Come fast."

"We gave her first aid and the scratch is not big. Don't worry."

"I know she is just like Hyunjin. Princess, I will get you a doll tonight. Just stay with your Min uncles."

"Yeahhhhh! Doll." Jiwon danced.

They sighed in relief. Now, the next victim of the evil cats was Jeongsoon. The three made a circle around him. The little boy wasn't aware of their antics. The three started licking him making him cry.

"Eomma... Appa.." He called his parents.

Minho and Seungmin came to the living room after making Woosik sleep. Jiwon was playing with her toy.

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know I was playing."

"Hey! Little one."

"Eomma appa."

"He really needs to learn more words than these two."

"Let us call Jeongin."

"He left us to babysit him because he wanted to sleep. Now, let's disturb him."

Seungmin called Jeongin.

"Let me sleep."

"Your son is crying. We don't know the reason."

Suddenly, they heard Woosik crying.

"We will call you later."

They ran inside the room. Dori was sleeping on him. Soonie and Doongie were on either side.

"Looks like they like Woosik."

"Soonie-ya, Doongie-ya, Dori-ya. Come here."

The three quickly went to Minho. Seungmin patted Woosik making him sleep again. They took cats to the living room and Jeongsoon who calmed finally started to cry again. He crawled to Minho and pointed at cats and licked his feet.

"You were crying because the three licked you?"

Jeongsoon nodded. Minho chuckled and picked him in his arms. The cats were more jealous now.

"They did this because they like you." Minho ruffled his hair.

"Let me make something." Seungmin said.

"Let me cook." Minho replied.

Minho went to cook and the cats followed him. Seungmin looked after the kids. All of them ate their food. Jiwon ate less spicy food. Jeongsoon drank milk and Woosik ate baby food. Cats ate their food and Minho and Seungmin had their food.

The cats were disturbing the kids the whole time due to their jealousy. These jealous cats! In the evening everyone came back to take their kids. Jiwon went and hugged Hyunjin.

"My princess." Hyunjin planted a kiss on her cheek.

Jisung gave her a doll as promised. Woosik walked slowly to Chan and he picked him in his arms.

"My cutiepie. Did you enjoy it here?" Felix asked his son.

Jeongsoon crawled to his parents Changbin picked him in piggy back.

"Baby shark dududu."

The little boy giggled hearing him. Jeongin snapped their photos.

"Everyone dinner is ready."

Minho shouted from the kitchen. Seungmin made the table ready. The cats went to their play area in the meantime cause they can't disturb the kids anymore. After eating dinner everyone went back to their homes. Cats were tired so they also slept.

"Aigo they slept without eating." Minho pouted.

"Jagi, it's okay. They would have eaten if they were hungry. Also they played extra today so they would be tired. Let's go and sleep."

"Okay." Minho clinched onto Seungmin making him chuckle.

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