1: New Kid

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I was talking to my best friend Annabeth Chase when we saw Grover walking towards us. We hadn't really seen Grover since he was assigned to bring a new demigod kid to camp a few months ago. "Hey Grover. What's up?" I asked, as he seemed to be in a rush.

He nodded his head quickly before beginning to speak. "Hey V. You know the kid that I was assigned to protect?" He asked to which Annabeth and I nodded in response. "He is at camp now but he just killed a Minotaur at the edge of Camp."

A new kid killed a minotaur? Wow.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"He's in the infirmary right now. But, the minotaur killed his mom." He said looking down ashamed. I've known Grover for years. I know that he felt guilty for being unable to save the kid's mom.


That night I went to the infirmary as they needed someone watching him. I stood beside his bed, watching how he drooled as he slept. Suddenly, his eyes opened.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"You drool when you sleep." I pointed out, leaving a confused look on his face before he quickly passed out again.


The next morning I was woken by Annabeth nearly shaking me to death. I opened my eyes groggily.

"Oh, my Gods, Annabeth. What!" I exclaimed, annoyed that my so called best friend woke me up.

"It's 8am." She pointed out as if it was an reasonable explanation for waking up at this ungodly hour.

"Okay. So what you're telling me is, I have 2 more hours of sleep." I said trying to roll back over in my bed before Annabeth stopped me.

"No, no, no. What I'm saying is that it is time for you to get up and get breakfast. And clean your cabin while you're at it." She spoke. One of the plus sides about having a cabin all to myself is that I don't have to clean it as much.

"No. What's the point when I'm just gonna have to burn my food anyways." I said burying my head into my blanket.

"Nope, that's not an option. You're getting up." She said before pulling the blanket, causing it to fall to the floor, and me along with it. "You better be at breakfast in 5 or I'm coming back and dragging you out of here with me."

"Fine." I said defeatedly.

The Daughter of Hades; Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now