The Nightwatcher

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You were sitting next to your good friend Michelangelo on the couch as you two were watching the news. It was about the Nightwatcher again. Mikey jumps up on the couch in excitement as he sees what the Dark Prince did this time.

"Man I remember those days when it was us saving the city," he says as he jumps back to a sitting position next to you. You giggle as Donnie enters the room groaning.
"You need to forget those days Mikey. They're over, we aren't the heroes anymore," Donatello says as he goes to sit on the kitchen table.

You had been friends with these guys, along with their brothers Leo & Raph, for quite some time. Since they rescued you back when you were 17. A lot happened the past few years of your life, the death of your mom, moving in with your aunt (since you couldn't live on your own) & meeting the turtles along with April & Casey. Once you turned 18, you started living with the guys & still are, you have your own room of course. You loved them all like your own brothers, with them being a year older than you & all. But, you had to admit, there was one of them that stronger feelings grew as you got to know them better & better. These feelings were for Raphael. Although you knew there was a tough chance that he had the same feelings for you, with him being stubborn & all. No one actually knew abut these feelings except Leo, which you trusted more than you did yourself. Too bad its been over a year since you've seen him, since Splinter, their sensei, had sent him away for training. You really missed him. Everyone did, even Raph, though he would never admit it to anyone.

"I bet you think the Nightwatcher is some kind of hero, Hu Raph?" you heard Donnie say as you snap back to reality. You hadn't even noticed Raph walk by.
"Beats here doing nothing," He answers his brother as he grabs something to drink.
"We all have jobs Raph, all YOU do is sleep all day," says Don.
"Oh yeah, you have me all figured out," Raph answers sarcastically. He then looks your way, as if noticing you for the first time. You give him an awkward smile, realizing you were staring at him this whole time... at his beautiful gold eyes... handsome face... muscu-
"(y/n)?" You hear him say as you feel your cheeks turn red. You hadn't noticed you were STILL staring at him, so you quickly look away & give him a quiet 'hmm?' He just shrugs as he makes his way back to his room, not looking back. You hated yourself for this, how you couldn't really have a good conversation now-a-days with him because you were too worried you would say something stupid or that you always annoyed him.


Raphael couldn't take not being able to talk to you. He had always tried, but it was hard for him. To him, you thought he was being a jerk for ignoring you sometimes. He walked up to his room & slammed the door shut. He would never admit this to everyone, but he had always envied the way his brother, Leonardo, could always talk to you that easily, with you two always laughing together as you hung out. You liking Leo had even crossed Raph's mind every once in a while, just the thought made him want to kill his older brother. With Leo being gone, he had hoped he could talk to you better, but he never found the courage to. Yeah, yeah. Big bad Raph can't talk to a girl. He knew it was embarrassing. Raphael just couldn't find what to say. He had fallen for you alright. He fell for you hard.


It was getting pretty late & you were tired of watching TV so you decided to go up to your room to read. Since it was next to Raph's, you take a little peek inside as you pass by, noticing he was wide awake, sitting on his bed. He sees you too & walks over to his door, where you were.

"Hey," He says looking around to make sure you were alone.
"Hey," you echo. He motions for you to come in & you do, walking over & sitting at the edge of his bed.
He walks & sits next to you, not saying anything. He finally gives a small sigh & turns to face you.

The NightwatcherWhere stories live. Discover now