Chapter 32 outer space

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The rocket was almost in outer space. don't worry, I will find you no matter how long it takes, RJ said to himself. When the rocket got to outer space, RJ stopped it, and plugged P.A.L.'s harddrive into the rocket. What is our mission? asked P.A.L. Our mission is to find Della, she's out here somewhere. I need you to give me coordinates to nearby planets, said RJ. she might be in Planet Fez, P.A.L. said. One hour later the rocket landed. RJ got out of the rocket, and saw a bunch of hats. Who are you, and what do you want, asked one of the hats.Don't worry, I'm not going to take anything  from you. I'm just here looking for my wife, said RJ. I haven't seen Any other creatures that look like you, said the hat. Can I take a look Just in case, asked RJ. For sure, I don't care, just don't take anything, said the hat. RJ left and Started looking for Della. One hour later, RJ went into his rocket. Well, P.A.L where else can I look, asked RJ. How about planet Larson, Suggested P.A.L .One hour later, RJ got off The rocket ship. He saw A bunch of cow's Standing on two legs, holding a Cabbage.

Meanwhile, in duckburg. Donald was unpacking boxes,  in his houseboat.  when he saw one of the eggs, start to move.  Three hours  later a duckling came out of the egg. he picked it up. Donald looked at the duckling as he held it in his arms. He had his  mother's eyes, a minute later he started crying.  Donald Finally got him to sleep,  welcome to the world little guy, said Donald. Two hours later, Donald looked at another egg. It started to hatch. He watched it as it Hatch, an hour later. The duckling looked at his brother as Donald picked the duckling up. Ok, Della wanted me to name the oldest Huey, and she wanted me to name you Dewey, Donald said as he put Huey in the crib. . Two hours later. Maise came, and knocked on the door. Donald opened the door with Dewey in his arms. hey, Donald how have you been doing, asked Maise. good, I guess, said Donald. have you talked to Uncle Scrooge, asked Maise. no, I never will again, said Donald. Well, what if I told you that he cares about your sister so much, It cost him all of his Fortune to try to get her back. So you might not care about him anymore, but he still cares about you, said Maise. He's really bankrupt, asked Donald. Yep, his whole world is falling apart all because of you, said Maise. he never cared about me; he just cared about everybody else, said Donald. That's not true, if he didn't care about you. you would be on the streets, said Maise. I get it, you want me to be there for him right now. But I have these three to look after, said Donald. They hatched! said Maise as she looked at the duckling in Donald's arms. I can't believe it's been three months, already said Maise, as she took Dewey from Donald. What's his name, asked Maise. His name is Dewey, and this is Huey, said Donald as he picked him up.  The third one hasn't Hatched yet. I'm starting to get worried, said Donald. Don't worry Don, these things take time, said Maise.  Five hours later the egg started to hatch.  See, I told you, Maise said.Three  hours later, Maise picked up the duckling. What are you going to name him? asked Maise, after she got him to stop crying. Louie, They are cute when they're quiet . You know they really look like RJ said Donald, and they have their mother's eyes, said Maise.

RJ didn't find Della, and it's been three months . RJ was in his rocket ship. I bet you boys have hatched by now, RJ said to himself, as he was making P.A.L. 's bass.  So  he could look like a robot. But you are not a boy, you are an adult, said P.A.L . No I mean my boys, said RJ. My boys,  meaning your kids, said P.A.L. Yes, and the sooner I find Della, the sooner I get to meet them. Okay, P.A.L. I'm turning you off, so I can make you an actual robot, said RJ as he turned off P.A.L. After P.A.L.  was turned off, RJ took his harddrive, and put it in his bass. He  turned on P.A.L. again P.A.L. Walked around on the table. Okay, P.A.L what  is the next planet, asked RJ. planet Mertz, said P.A.L. Come on, said RJ, as he started the rocket. An hour later the Rocket Ship landed. Who are you asked,comet  guy? Ah a flush face monster, yelled RJ. No my name is comet  guy, the superhero said. Is there another duck here, asked RJ. No, said comet  guy. RJ went back in his rocket ship.

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