Usual Day

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The clock struck 1 pm, but it felt as if time had played a trick on everyone in the office. The bustling crowd of office folks hurriedly made their way out, driven by the intense hunger that had settled in their bellies.

Their mission: to locate a nearby store that could satiate their cravings and provide a brief respite from the workday grind.

Amidst the flurry of activity, a curious office boy turned to his friend and  asked, "Hey Rui, what do you feel like eating today?" Rui pondered for a moment and replied,

"I'm not sure, I'm confused too. How about some Ramen, Keisuke?"

"Ugh, I'm tired of having ramen all the time. Let's go for something different, anything but ramen!"

"Well, if you don't like my choice, then what do you want to eat?"

"Let's go for something refreshing instead. It feels quite hot today!"

"You always feel hot because you wear so many layers of clothes, you idiot!" Rui pointed at Keisuke's four layers of clothing before he covered it with his office shirt. Keisuke shrugged and admitted, "Fair enough."

The office was so quiet, but Keisuke noticed that there was still someone with the same pink hair in the office, who seemed to be busy working. Keisuke whispered to Rui, "Hey, Itadori-san is still here, huh? I wonder why he's not having lunch with everyone else. Any idea what he's up to?"

"Well, you know how the boss always dumps his work on Itadori-san? Rumour has it that the boss does it so he can spend time with his mistress during the day and still go home on time without his wife suspecting anything."

"What a fucking pig! Poor Itadori-san. I wonder if he even gets paid extra for doing the boss's work all the time." Rui shook his head and said, "Nah, I don't think so." Keisuke sighed,

"Man, the boss is the one being sneaky, but his actions are affecting his subordinates too. HEY, ITADORI-SAN!" Suddenly, Keisuke shouted, causing Itadori to stop working and look at them.

"WANNA GRAB SOME LUNCH WITH US? OR SHOULD WE ORDER SOMETHING FOR YOU?" Keisuke shouted loud enough for Itadori to hear from a distance. Itadori smiled and replied,


"ALRIGHT, WE'LL GO GRAB SOME FOOD THEN, ITADORI-SAN! BYE!" He then pulled Rui out of the office to find something to eat before getting back to work.


Jin couldn't help but grin at his two co-workers. Despite being slightly younger than him, Keisuke and Rui were already way more skilled and clever at their jobs.

They've only been with the company for a year, but they're giving the senior workers a run for their money. They're quick on their feet and don't get caught up in office gossip like some of the others.

Those folks just can't stop blabbering about the boss's affair with his new mistress. They even place bets on how long she'll stick around or when the boss's wife will find out.

Not that Jin really cares about those rumours, except for the fact that the boss's wife seems like a decent person. Jin got that impression when he delivered some files to the boss's house and bumped into his wife at the front door.

She was super friendly and even made him some tea before calling the boss to come meet Jin. As usual, the boss was conveniently "busy" all day, leaving Jin to handle his job as the VP of Human Resources at the Sendai branch office, even though Jin's actual title is just HRIS (Human Resource Information Specialist).

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