Chapter 2

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A loud crash woke me up in the middle of the night. My eyes snapped open and I shot upright in bed. I could've been imagining things. No one would've been able to break into the house; it had the best security possible. My father had insured that when he gave me the house as a gift when I graduated college.

Slowly, I threw the covers off my bed and put on my house slippers before wandering out into the hallway. Once I assured myself that there was no one in the house, I could go back to bed.

Once I was several feet down the main hall, I heard sounds coming from downstairs. Clattering of metal.

I took the stairs instead of the elevator, and ran to the first floor. Someone was in the kitchen. I glanced at the clock, it said it was almost 4 am.

Creeping around the corner, I looked into the kitchen to see what was happening.

To my surprise, it wasn't a burglar. Or at least he didn't look like one. He wasn't wearing a disguise, he was unarmed, but he was searching through the utensils in the kitchen, seemingly looking for something.

"Who are you?" I called out into the kitchen.

The man turned around. He had a big beard and a chef hat on. I started to connect the dots.

"Nice kitchen you got here-oh-did I wake you up? I'm sorry. Henry told me to be here 'first thing in the morning', he already gave me the key to the house and the code to the gate. I'm your new chef! You must be Y/N L/N."

He smiled at me and paused his rummaging. I couldn't think of anything to say at first.

"Oh. Yes. That's me. Why are you here so early? It's three o'clock in the morning."

"Well, you know, I've never been in this kitchen before. I was planning on making you breakfast. What's your usual?"

"Avocado toast." I blurted.

"Avocado toast. Got it. Are you going back to sleep, or should I make your food now?"

I was overwhelmed. Just yesterday it would've been Marjorie making me breakfast, not whoever this guy was.

"I think I'll eat now. Might as well start my day early."

He nodded and began preparing my avocado toast. I left the kitchen and went to my room to get dressed. I'd come back down for breakfast later.

When I was up in my room, I received a text message from Henry.

Your new chef will be there today. His name is Sal and he's a great chef. I told him that he'll be staying in Marjorie's old room, which I had cleaned out yesterday. If you have any problems with him, let me know.

I read the text and didn't respond. Instead, I brushed my hair and changed into my breakfast clothes. Just a tank top and sweatpants. I wouldn't be going out today.

I went back downstairs and ate the delicious avocado toast that Sal had prepared for me. It was good. It wasn't better than Marjorie's, but it was just avocado toast.

"I'm having a banquet on Saturday. Did Henry tell you?" I spoke between bites of my breakfast.

"Oh yeah. That'll be fine. I've cooked at plenty of banquets before. What's the occasion for this banquet?"

"It's my sister's birthday dinner. She wanted a big party at my big house." I chuckled a little, thinking of my little sister, so young and beautiful. She always wanted to live in a big house like mine, but I was the oldest. I got the house first. She never complained out loud, but I knew she was secretly jealous of my huge mansion house in the middle of nowhere. Away from all the hustle and bustle of the city life. Meanwhile, she was stuck somewhere in New York, working as a barista in a coffee shop and living in a tiny apartment with her unemployed boyfriend.

"Well, I'll be sure not to disappoint. Henry said she requested Mexican food, right?"

I nodded.

"Don't you worry, I've got this." He turned off the sink from where he had been washing the dishes. "Hand me your plate, if you're finished."

I handed him my plate and he began to wash it. I stayed at the table nearby, watching him from behind. I wished I could get a closer look at his face, but he had his back to me, and his beard covered most of his face anyway.

I went to my room to get ready for my day. I had some errands to run.

First, I needed to get an outfit tailored for the banquet on Saturday, and I needed to order a cake for the party as well.

As I got dressed, I thought about my new chef. Even with the beard, (as I was someone who didn't appreciate facial hair) he was an oddly attractive man. Very charismatic. I looked forward to my next meal when I could see him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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