Love at First Sight Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing so don't be hating that much! -

Chapter 1:

UGHHH!!!! This morning was the first day of high school for myself and for my sister. We are identical twins and every day when we were little our mother wanted us to dress the same (for some odd reason because she already got us confused) and basically act the same way too. The only real difference between us is our names, mine is Alison (Alli for short) and my sisters name is Abigail (Abbie for short). We both had brown hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. My parents got divorced when I was 9 so I'm used to my dad not being here. He had to be the worst father anyone could ever have! He yelled and screamed at my mom all day. When she was badly sick he made her go out and get him stupid fast food! He was the worst, and I'm so happy he's gone.

We got to school and went straight to our lockers that we got. They were right next to each other! I was so happy that my best guy friend, Adam, was right next to me too! Adam and I have been having an on-off relationship, so it's really complicated. I really liked Adam at this time and since he was really, and I mean REALLY attractive I would get jealous sometimes whenever some "cute" girl would come up and they would talk. But I wanted this year to be different from the last few years we've been "together".

RINGGGGGG RINGGGGGG RINGGGGGGGG!! It was time for homeroom and luckily Abbie, Adam, and I were in the same homeroom !No one was in homeroom so we got the first pick in seats, we all sat next to each other in the very front of the room. More people came in and one by one they all sat down in the very back avoiding us. One person got my attention immediately! He came in and can I swear he was incredibly HOT! He had light brown hair, sky blue eyes, and the most amazing smile ever. All his buddies gestured him to sit with them, but he didn't. He sat himself right in the desk next to me! I looked at Abbie in excitement. She must have thought that I was crazy or something because she was looking at me weirdly while I was moving my head as if it was my finger pointing to him. She eventually got what I was trying to do (after like 10 times of pointing) and we both squealed like baby pigs. Adam seemed a little weird because I think he's used to being the most cutest guy in the room. I think he noticed us giggling and squealing.

" Are you guys alright?" he said.

"Yea were just fine" I was trying so hard not to faint while talking to him.

"Cool, hey what's your name?" At this point Abbie just got up and left so we could talk.

"I'm Allison, but you can call me Alli," I paused realizing I was being rude" What's your name?"

" I'm  Carter." He seemed shy for some reason.


"There's the bell for first period, see you later" Carter said calmly.

*First Period*

I got into classroom and saw one familiar face, it was Abbie. I'm assuming that we had most of our classes together. I moved over to Abbie and she had the most excited look on her face.

"So... what happened in home room?" She said so excited.

"Omg he is so amazing, all I know is that his name is Carter and that.... Wait that's all I know" I said disappointed

"Don't worry you'll get to know him better if you keep talking with him." Abbie said while trying to cheer me up.

I love having Abbie with me because she is so caring and loving to me. She always tries to cheer me up when I'm down or makes me laugh when I'm hurt. We both have each others back. She's the best sister anyone can have!

First period had to be the worst time of day because al the teachers got mad and yellled at us for not being awake enough, all the kids were still tired and cranky. It was about time that first period was over. I was the first one out of the classroom and into the hallway. I was talking to Abbie when all of a sudden I was on the ground.

"Dude what the hell, watch where you're going. Geez." I screamed!

"Sorry, just don't get all upset about it." said a familiiar voice.

" Well maybe I wouldn't be as mad if you even bothered to help me up" I mumbled to myself.

"You want me to help you up?" He said.

"It would be nice of you to," at this point I just gave up on being mad,"Can you get my books instead?'

"Sure whatever you want." He said

I looked up to see who it was.....holy shit, it was Carter!

"I didn't know you had all this in you." Carter said in shock.

" Well you don't know me, we only had like a 5 minute conversation remember?" I managed to say.

" Okay then, well to make it up for knocking you down, I'll carry your books to your next class. Where are you going?" He said sincerely.

" I'm going to English." I said.

"Really, me too. Now I don't have to go to the other end of the school for you." He said calmly

"Oh thanks, I feel appreciated."


I made my way into the cafeteria filled with tons of people, when I found Abbie and Adam I walked over to where they was. A few other pepole I didn't know were sitting there also. 

"Hey Abbie," I said curiously while watching two other people laughing.

"Oh Alli I want  you to meet Brenda and Claire," Abbie seemed to be really excited.

I'll admit Brenda and Claire weren't terrible looking people and I think Adam noticed that too. Brenda had dark black hair with a little pink bow in it. She was wearing a light pink sunflower dress (which matched her bow) that flowed out on the ends. Claire had curly strawberry blonde hair that seemed to have the perfect curls. She was wearing a baby blue sunflower dress that also flowed out on the ends. The only differences between their dresses was the colors and that Brenda had a little bit of lacing on the shoulder straps. They go me a little worried because like I said they were really cute and I didn't want Adam to fall in love with them!

"Hi Alli it's nice to meet you," said Brenda and Claire literally at the same time.

"Hey it's nice to meet you to." I said still confused a little.

We all ate lunch with eachother. I go tot know Brenda and Claire more and they're really funny. They both purposly make us all laugh until we can't breath. All during lunch Adam was looking at Brenda and Claire all flirty like. It was super awkward until someone yell at the top of their lungs. "FOOD FIGHT!"

Everyone stood up on tables and threw food every where, I'll admit it was so awsome. This was my first real food fight unless you count throwing a piece of ice at Abbie. All the teachers that were in there tried to run, but they didn't make it! Finally the principal came in and stopped it all, sadly. He looked furious with all of us. He literally had steam coming out of his ears! It was pretty funny the way he looked. He grabbed the microphone and started to YELL at us.

" Whoever did this will get an automattic referal to the office plus a detention every day after school for two weeks....." He was was talking when all of a sudden Carter through a piece of chocolate cake at him.


I felt bad for Carter but it was also really atractive when he looked at all of us as he was being dragged out of the lunchroom. Adam saw me basically melt over Carter and his face was bright red with jealously.

"I think I might like Carter." I said hopefully quietly , but apperently not because Abbie, Brenda, and Claire all heard it.

Authors Note:

I'm not really sure what will happen next, I'm basically just going along as I write so I hope you enjoyed it a lot. It's alright if you didn't because this is my first time writting. I don't know how often I'll be able to update it because of school and homework:( but I'll try my best! Hope you liked this chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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