She's not a third party, but her fate is even more tragic.

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Zoey faced a dilemma when she accidentally stumbled upon her boss Tristan's affair. Should she report it, pretend she didn't see anything, or take some other course of action? This unexpected encounter occurred when her friend invited her to a weekend getaway. While relaxing at a hotel, Zoey witnessed Tristan checking into a room intimately with another woman. Upon questioning the hotel staff, she learned that this was not Tristan's first visit.

Disappointed by his repeated actions, Zoey thought about Tristan's wife, whom she had met during a team-building event. The wife was a dynamic businesswoman who owned her own company. Tristan seemed caring and protective during their joint gaming sessions. Little did anyone suspect that he was a habitual cheater.

Reflecting on the contrast between Tristan's public and private personas, Zoey couldn't help but recall the wife's previous praises. However, the reality was different, and Tristan was just another unfaithful man behind closed doors.

As Zoey pondered the unreliability of men, a familiar sound of high heels echoed in the lobby. To her surprise, it was the strong businesswoman—the wife! Zoey wondered if she had come to confront Tristan. This could be quite a spectacle, and Zoey decided to discreetly follow and even record the events using her phone camera.

Observing closely, Zoey realized that the wife wasn't there to catch Tristan. Instead, she seemed to have a business meeting planned, likely related to the nearby golf course. Disappointed, Zoey considered abandoning her surveillance.

However, her excitement returned when she spotted Tristan and his mistress exiting the elevator, likely heading to the café. Coincidentally, the wife was also walking towards that direction after exchanging pleasantries with someone. The café was conducive to private discussions with its secluded booths, making it an ideal spot for couples but also increasing the risk of being discovered.

Zoey, now reinvigorated, decided to witness Tristan's awkward situation. Disguised with sunglasses and a large hat, she entered the café. The wife had not yet noticed Tristan, who sat at a corner that was not immediately visible.

Choosing a seat that allowed her to observe both sides, Zoey tilted slightly to the left, ensuring she had a clear view of Tristan. Unaware of being watched, Tristan shared a moment with his mistress. Smiling indulgently, he reached to adjust her hair, and she responded by holding onto his hand, fingers entwined on the table. To accommodate this, Tristan held his coffee cup with his left hand.

If Zoey didn't know about Tristan's marriage, she might have admired the seemingly affectionate couple. It was a pity, though, as they turned out to be nothing more than a pair of unfaithful individuals.


Zoey watched as Tristan, with a myriad of expressions, sweet-talked his mistress, her mind flashing with mixed emotions. She had been working under Tristan for two to three years, enduring his strict, or rather, harsh demeanor. Many times, her reports were torn apart, and once during a meeting, he threw her file in front of her, accusing her of having a mind filled with nonsense and telling her to leave and clean up her brain.

She's not a third party, but her fate is even more tragic.Where stories live. Discover now