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[in hell, yes hell. the place of eternal torment, the inferno pit of despair the everlasting damnation or was it, gray, a human dinosaur hybrid created by mad scientists, he had white snow hair a a black leather jacket with a white shirt, black skinny jeans with holes and rock boots.]

Gray: [sighs] what a day

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Gray: [sighs] what a day.

[it has been two days since gray joined I.M.P a group of assassins who kill for a living we see him walking down the street on his way to work. [ever since he joined IMP he made quite interesting friend sure they can be weird but sill friends can be mysterious, blitzo can be a bit strange at a fucked up Way, moxxie can be strict but he at least follows orders so to speak, millie can be very hyper when it comes to killing or taking road trips with the team, and last but not least Loona the screaming hellhound with anger issues but she treats gray like a good friend. What he doesn't know is that she had this massive crush on him but he just doesn't notice.]

gray: [phone ringing] hmm?

[gray looks at his phone and he hears a call from his phone. He looks at it and sees that's it's Loona.]

gray: [puts phone to his ear] hello?

Loona: [phone] hey gray blitzo wants us for a dumbass meeting and wants you to get some food for the the time being.

gray: seriously? [sigh] ok fine I'll pick something up.

[The scene changes with a shot of Imp City that slowly zooms in on the I.M.P building. The sound of the busy streets can be heard in the background. The scene transitions to a closed door labeled "IMP Headquarters", with a crude sign made from a sheet of notebook paper that reads, "Meeting in progress" with a smiley face drawn next to it. The light flickers as the camera zooms in on the door. Inside, Blitzo is walking in front a whiteboard on the wall as he lectures his employees.]

Blitzo: Alright

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Blitzo: Alright. Now, I know business has been... a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here... *looks at Moxxie* Moxxie.

[Moxxie gives him an incredulous look in response.]

Blitzo: Now, does anyone have... any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?

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