..The Struggle of a fight..

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I squirm and scream the best I could as the cold figure had a strong grip onto me..
I try my best to not breathe in what smelled like chloroform to stay awake as I scream and squirm for help..
"Help me!! Please!"
I screamed that the top of my lungs making my voice hurt more and more as I inhale the smell of chloroform as my body and mind start to slowly grow weak..
As I continue to fight and struggle the best I could the cold figure had not reactions to my kicks or squirms still holding on tightly..
As I slowly close my eyes and my body passes out I hear a cold sly voice whisper in my ear..
..."I'll see you tonight darling..~"
The cold figure whispered as his warm lips kiss my cheek as my body fully gave up..
And sleepy........

Everything after was dark and blank so I could never make up anything besides a loud sound of a car door slamming and the car starting up driving off..
Just feeling the hardness of the cold floor of the car... or..
It felt like hours tilling heard the hault of the vehicle and I felt someones cold hands and arm pick me up and then...


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