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Guess who's back with a new fandom >:D you have no idea how I'm balls deep in love with a certain Eastern European speedster so I decided to make a reader-insert bc that's how I roll.

Anyway, enjoy this humble fic <3


"Wait what?!" You almost yelled at your Uncle Clint, who flinched at the volume of your voice.

"Pietro's going with you," He repeated as he regained his composure.

"But why? I'm perfectly capable of taking care of three children on my own," You replied, crossing your arms and turning your chin up proudly Here we go again, your beloved uncle was always protective of you. You think it's sweet, but sometimes it could be annoying since you think you can't handle things on your own. Besides, you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of your crush, Pietro Maximoff.

Ah yes, the Sokovian speedster had always gotten your attention, with his messy, silver hair, his attractive, Eastern European accent, not to mention those toned muscles under his usual tight-

"(Y/N)!" You heard your uncle snap you out of your daydream. "Did you hear what I said?"

"U-uh... um... Yeah!" You stammered and smiled at him nervously. Clint simply rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I said: you get your stuff ready and we'll leave by 6:30 in the evening," He said in his deadpan tone.

"Yes, sir!" You mocked salute before walking back to your room. Once you arrived, you took a deep breath and sighed dramatically, knowing that Sonic's gonna ruin your fun with the kids by distracting you with his looks.

Once you're packed up and ready to go, you went inside the quinjet, surprised to see a certain speedster and your uncle.

"Good evening, printsessa," Pietro grinned when he saw you. You suppressed a blush and nodded at him as a greeting.

"You kids ready?" Clint asked as he pressed random buttons to start the quinjet. You both rushed to the empty seats and buckled yourselves up. You absolutely can't wait to see the kids again. Unknown to you, Pietro was glancing at you in the corner of his yes and smiled softly, amused at your giddiness.

As the jet landed, you immediately got out of your seat, grabbed your bag and practically ran out to their humble farm house.

When you ran into their yard, you were greeted by Cooper and Lila, their little arms wrapped around your waist.

"(Y/N)!! We missed you!" They said as you knelt down to give them a proper hug.

"I missed you too, you little rascals!" You said, playfully ruffling their hair. Your little reunion was short lived when the two children saw someone behind you.

"PIETRO!" They screamed before running into him, giving the same greeting you had received earlier.

You stood up from your position and saw Laura on the porch, cradling little Nathaniel in her arms. You walked towards her, giving her a kiss on the cheek as a greeting.

"Hey there little guy!" You cooed as you smiled at the youngest Barton, which made the woman before you giggle. "How are you, Aunt Laura?"

"Oh you know, the usual, taking care of children, this time three," She shrugged, before letting you gather the baby in your arms to give hers a rest. "Come on in, guys!" Laura called out at her children, Clint and Pietro.


"You sure you go everything alright?" Laura said for the umpteenth time.

"I got this, Aunt Laura. Pizza number's on the fridge, both of your number's on speed dial along with SHIELD's and always hide a knife behind your back before opening the door," you said memorizing their instructions by heart due to being frequently called to babysit the Barton kids.

Pietro Maximoff x Reader: Faith, Trust, and Pixie DustWhere stories live. Discover now