A trip to Gusu?

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Lan wangji came back and started driving there was a comfortable silence between them . Wei ying was extremely happy with the truth but still one question need to be asked.
They reached Lan wangji's apartment ate their dinner and as lan wangji was doing dishes wei ying back hugged him and ask " Lan zhan can we cuddle together?" She ask with so much innocence and puppy eyes Lan wangji couldn't refuse her so at night they were in each other arms not sleeping just existing in comfortable silence listening to each other breaths moon light can be seen from windows suddenly wei ying asked Lan wangji something that made him tremble " Why did you made bet?" Lan wangji looked at her with shock and wanted to asker her how the fuck she knows but wei ying just shrugged and gave him questioning gaze to which Lan wangji finally took a deep breath and replied " I was in love with you I was going to approach you anyways but he peng bought this up that he wanted to fuck you then ruin you he peng's family are important for our buisness at that time I wanted to make sure he doesn't make trouble for my family and wanted to protect you as well so I decided to make a bet . This makes him stay away from you for a while. " Wei ying looked at lan wangji with admiration in her eyes and somehow wanted to appreciate him in anyway. Although caring for you girlfriend or love is bare minimum but they still need to be appreciated don't they? There is nothing wrong with appreciation. So she suggested going for a short vacation.

They both in the middle of night were crazily searching for place to go for a vacation. suddenly lan wangji saw a place that attracts him.
" wei ying look at this we can go there Although its full of mountain but I guess it will be fun?"
" it's so beautiful!! What's the name?"
" it's called gusu "
" From the picture it seems it is a place with a history "
" yes it is, the main place where we are going is called cloud recess,  This place was home for lan clan "
" lan clan? Lan as in your surname?"
" I guess it is same lan, My father once told me that our ancestors are from lan clan that's why we have so many rules and my name Lan wangji was inspired by a man called hanguan jun, It was said that he was powerful of all generations and you know yilling patriarch he was his classmate"
" yes yes yes, Yilling patriarch grew up in yunmeng my ancestors was from yunmeng ,although its too much of coincidence but my name was also on his name."
" but yilling patriarch was demonic cultivator from rumours it seems like he wasn't much of good guy so why they choose his name for you?"
" My father always believed that yilling patriarch wei wuxian was a good guy so he gave me the name didn't hanguan jun cleared the name of yilling patriarch "
" yes yes so let's pay a visit there"


I know this chapter is very short but next is trip to Gusu and its kind of new part of story so I wanted that to start with another chapter

Also can you guys find me a fanfiction of yizhan I can't find it , i read it once but i want to read it again.
I can tell story so if any one of read it please share it with me

Its like xiao zhan fell in love with yibo at first in school but yibo wasn't too much bothered they play around and also at last when xiao zhan's family didn't accepted yibo so xiao zhan left his family and then yibo Also left his family xiao zhan gave his property to yibo , yibo became a successful businessman from that but xiao zhan was working , normal jobs , Also yibo had a girlfriend wang zixuan in front of media its angst so can anyone find me this story???

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