☠︎🕷 Pilot - Old Enemies 🕷☠︎

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Authors note: if I write in italics, it's her thoughts.

Season 1 - Episode 1

Season 1 - Episode 1

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    My motorcycle slowly comes to a stop in front of the storage unit and I switch my bike off. I slip my helmet off and place it on the seat before unlocking the unit. The door slides up with a clang and reveals a lot of old boxes covered in dust. A deep ache fills my chest as I see my father's stuff just lying around, covered in dust and packed away like he never existed. Julieth should be here with me doing this. So should Cam. I sigh, raking a hand through my hair, mumbling 'shit' then grab my smokes from my pocket, quickly lighting one up and taking a long drag. The roar of a bike catches my attention and I quickly put out my cigarette. I thought Jules said she was busy. But a large smile rests on my face when I see the long black hair of Morana Blakely, my first love and first baby momma.

   She easily parks her bike, slides off her helmet and sends me a blinding smile. "Heard you might need help going through some baby stuff?" She asks with a slight turn of her head and I can't help but admire her beauty. Her long onyx hair falls into curls along her back covering her olive tank top. She's wearing her special riding pants and boots that I got her a few years ago. She always dresses for the slide not the ride thank god. Her riding jacket basically swallows her whole and is fraying at the edges. The SOA emblem almost falling off of the old leather jacket. The corner of the leather jacket has President in large letters beside the name A. Blakely. Her old man's cut. Her piercing blue eyes settle on me with a smile. "So you need help right?" She asks again and I nod yes. "Yeah there's a lot in here and I just need some baby stuff."

She bites her lip then nods her head and starts picking through boxes. She quickly starts to build a spot of potential items for my future son and daughter, as I pick through various toys of mine and occasionally Opie's. I grab the giant stuffed teddy bear with a smirk, then turn around to my ex girlfriend "you rember this darlin?" Her head swivels my way and a large grin takes over her face. She snatches the bear from my hands and holds it to her chest. "Teddy! You won him for me when we were like what 14? Can I keep him?" She asks with pleading eyes. I just nod with a chuckle, then begin to go through the old toys again as she places the bear on her bike. Until I come across a dusty cardboard box with my father's name written in bold letters, John Misc.

I lift the box up, wiping the dust off and feel Mor step up beside me. She simply grabs my hand and squeezes, a silent reminder of support. No matter what I've put her and Kali through or Cam for that matter, they've never left me. And that's more than my ex wife has ever done. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts then opening the box to find documents, photos, and various other items. I flip through the photos, showing off my father and Mor's. Julieth appears in most of the photos with Mor, our family having been friends forever. Some photos of my mother and father pop up too and I hear Mor giggle. "Wow I didn't realize how hot your mom used to be" she mumbles, continuing to flip through old photos of our late fathers and her mother. Her eyes start to well up and I gently brush the tears away, opening my arms to her for a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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