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Please read the note at last ,if you want to have next update .

And yess,20 votes on this chapter to get two update on this week .

Now,enjoy your reading .

Adhyay's POV

My alarm rings showing that it's 5 in the morning . I move out of my bed towards the washroom to fresh n up.

After getting fresh,I went to my home
gym for exercise .
After exercise ,I went to my room to get ready for my office .

It's 8 in the morning ,when I move
towards dinning room as it's a type of
rule in our family that we all have
to do atleast breakfast and dinner together
as it's our only family time and
nothing else at that time.

My whole family is already sitting to start the breakfast . I move towards them and wish the morning before taking my
seat . As I take my seat everyone also
start having their food .

After having food me, my father and
Little brother move towards main
gate to go to office .

As I am about to go my dadu stops me
and said me to come early as they want to have talk with me about something important.

I told him that I'll try my best to come and move towards garage to get my car .

As I am a huge collection of cars .I just love to collect cars and bikes .

After being settled in my Audi ,I make my way towards my office .

As I enter into office building, every thing seems to still at its place .
Ignoring everything , I move to my personal lift and press the buttons to my floor .

My office is at the top floor of the building because from their it gives the best
view of the city at night.

I move out of lift and enter my office just then my assistant came to me with my today schedule and start telling about everything .

As he is telling me ,I told him to first get me a black coffee and start with the finance department metting at first in next 30 minutes.

It's just that ,I have a doubt that someone from that department is breaking the law of the company and giving details to my opponents .

I told to go and arrange meeting,just as he is about to go .I remember someone and stop him .

Hey, listen what about the Collaboration with that US Company for new branch .

Yes, sir it's done and we can have meeting with them .Now ,here only as they are now in India for some work .

Sir, I'll talk to their assistant and arrange the meeting for tomorrow or today
evening as you fell right - Tells my assistant to me .

No , problem fix that for tomorrow as I have to go home early today .

So, now go and arrange for the meeting and get me a cup of coffee .

After few minutes, Someone knock on
my door and move out after placing
coffee on the table .

As ,I finished my coffee and check few documents after taking permission my assistant Rohan came to me and
inform that everything is ready for the meeting .

We both move towards metting hall where all people from financial department may be present or may not .

As ,I enter the hall everyone greet me and I just nod .

After settling on my seat ,I ask Rohan that
Rohan ,Is everyone from the department present here or not .

Yess sir only one person is missing he is on leave for last one week .

Ok just get me every detail of him and I want him tomorrow in my office .

Okk sir . Now, shall we proceed the meeting sir .

Yeah afcourse ,let's start .

Metting take 2 hour to get over and now I know the person who is missing
from today meeting is the culprit of the document that are about to get
leak but we find out at right time or we'll have to bear huge lose .

As, the meeting finished I again went to my office .
And for the rest of the day ,I check and do signature on few documents .

I check the time as It's 6:30 now so I set my desk and move out of my cabin after saying Rohan to take care of rest of the work .I went to my house .



Guys ,In next chapter there a surprise for you all ,may be our leads are going to solve their miss understanding .

But as I say ,may be .

What dadu wants to talk to Adhyay?

And guys please also like the episode just for little encourage.

And yess, do tell me on which day you all want to have a new update. In comments .
According to that I publish .

If you all didn't tell me than I'll not update .

If you all like the chapter please do share with your friends and like it .

Okk , Good night lovelies ❤️

Bie bie
Take care 🤗

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