1. I've been looking for the love...

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Limbo by JUN

Eugene's POV

"Wake up Ethan! Don't you have to go to college?"

"I'm up, brother!"

"You better be!"

"Okay what's got you so annoying early in the morning?"

"Nothing just you being more annoying makes me annoyed, so get your ass up!"

"Okay brother!"

"Get down at once for breakfast!"

"Okay just wait alright! I'll come down!"

Let me start by introducing myself....

I'm Eugene Alvarez, Vice President of Alvarez Enterprises, I'm annoyed as I don't have a secretary currently so there's this load of work that makes me annoyed. My uncle is the CEO of the company which will be eventually inherited to me.

I love my brother, a love that is indescribable, even if he's annoying and with other qualities.

I don't want him to be like how I am now! It's good that he's my responsibility, unlike my father. He never loved me, but even if he didn't love me he still reserved the place for me in the company.

Anyways, I'm currently looking for a secretary, who I think can handle and schedule my work. Someone who can get to know me in a jiffy! Someone who can predict my behaviour in no time!

"Mr Alvarez, your breakfast is here."

"Thank you, Miss!" I smiled.

"Where's our young master?"

"I'm here, Miss!"

"Glad you're on time, young master!"

"I'm coming with you to your college."

"Okay, I guess you can!"

"No remarks, that's pretty strange, brother!" I asked him.

"It's nothing new though! I have a new professor!"


"I've been motivated lately! She's beautiful, like a lot!"

"Okay, let's go then."

In school

"There she is, my professor!" I looked up to see a woman who was on her way to the classroom.

"Ms. Coelho!" Ethan called her out.

"Ms. Coelho, meet my older brother, Eugene Alvarez."

"Hello, I'm Meghan Coelho, Ethan's new professor. Perhaps I feel we've met before?"

"Well, I feel I've seen you somewhere."

"Were you in New Spring school?"

"Well, yes I was." She bowed quickly.

"Hello Senior, I'm sorry I didn't recognise you."

"How's my brother doing?"

"Mr Alvarez, your brother is exceptionally talented. The day before, he made a beautiful sketch of mine. I'd say he's extremely passionate about art."

"Ms. Coelho, I thought I'd be getting complaints regarding him today. I guess he's got some aim anyways. Please do look after him."

"Yes Mr Alvarez, I will!" She bowed and I left.

"Bye brother see ya soon!" Ethan shouted.

"You enjoy yourself." I told him.

Sometimes people think things won't work out even though they have an aim. According to me, hard work and passion is needed too along with an aim. That's what I instilled in my brother as he seemed interested in the beauties of art and sculpture.

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