Diagon Alley

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"Welcome Harry to Diagon Alley."

The street was beautiful. Each winding path leading onto yet another shop that was filled to the brim with yet another strange oddity. Harry stumbled forward, his eyes searching the place, frantically drinking in the streets entire appearance.

"Woah." He whispered breathily watching as a group of children all dressed in long colourful robes ran past, glancing at the shops nearby and smiling, filtering in and out of the coloured

A boy pushed past him, his hands shoving Harry to the side as he sprinted forward only to stop at a shop in front and pressing his face onto the transparent glass watching the shops contents with glee. Running forward, Harry followed stopping at the same shop the boy had and leaning forward his eyes scanning the window catching a glimpse of a streamlined broomstick, long and crooked, its mahogany wood gleaming in the light. He caught sight of the engraving carved on the side, its words shining brightly against its golden plate. Nimbus 2000.

"Harry m'boy. Come along. We have much to do." Dumbledore called from behind, his hands stroking his aged beard and his eyes twinkling once again. Harry nodded, turning and racing towards the man, falling into a steady pace beside him as they walked, passing the numerous coloured shops.

He walked next to the man following him till they stood in front of a looming building. The building was large and white in colour shining as if it had been crafted by marble, held up by supporting beams that stood firmly planted into the floor. It was winding, reaching up to the sky in its own majestic way. A red carpet lay at the floor of it, leading onto a set of double doors, each inscribed with ancient symbols and carved markings. Harry's eyes followed the carpet, stopping at the door and searching the faces of the...creatures that stood at each side.

They were short. Small yet mighty. Each creature donned an expensive looking suit, their coat buttoned up and their shirt free of any ruffles. Their ears were long, pointing upwards and their noses stood out, hooked and sharp. Their eyes were beady and seemed to narrow with every witch or wizard that walked past and glanced at them, only to walk into the building as if they were nothing but another oddity no one mentioned. Their faces were fixed into permanent scowls and the thin whisps of their hair were slicked back.

"So...what is this place?" Harry asked curiously, his eyes still roaming over the area.

"Ah..welcome to Gringotts bank Harry. This is currently the only bank we have so most do their dealings here. It is run by goblins, like those fellows standing over there, creatures who are fiercely protective over their gold and possessions. It is well known that to anger a goblin is a fate worse than death for many. We are here to collect some money. Your parents had left you a sum for your schooling, we shall collect some from in there. I know the sight of money at the time may be overwhelming and exciting, but please only remember to take a small amount that I instruct, you shall need some for your next few years. Oh before I forget Harry! You shall find many lords and ladies keep their money here, we may even cross the path of some today. Please pay them no head Harry, they seem to hold the common belief that they are above others and refuse to let go of their hypocritical and outdated beliefs." Dumbledore answered, frowning at the very mention of the lords and ladies. He glanced at Harry, critically evaluating his expressions, to which Harry nodded slowly, schooling his emotions so to appear as hesitant and worried.

"Right...don't talk to any Lords or Ladies, be nice to the goblins and don't freak out and waste my money. Got it! Lets go." Harry nodded to himself once more before stepping forward and walking on the path following the red carpet.

Dumbledore frowned and raised his eyebrows but otherwise said nothing. After a few minutes of walking they stopped in front of the large towering building and its bronze gate. Standing at either doors were the two small creatures with pointed beards and long fingers and feet. They were holding spears and stood up straight. Goblins. So cool!

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