Chapter VI

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"When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"
-Sally and Harry

The next couple days flew by with the wind and soon enough everything went back to normal, everything.George taught me how to make "perfect tea", which was just kind of dull and we all still did a bunch of cases together.Life still feels almost off, but with Lockwood it feels different then, let's say, a month three weeks is my employment anniversary.This means it's been two years since Lockwood employed me, the interview and our first case.Recently though, I've been thinking a lot.A lot about just life an how it would of been if the problem didn't happen and we were all normal teenagers.

Would we all meet each other, be friends.Would we go to school and have other friends and actually be scared of ghosts.This is because in this job, you have to grow up so quick, it's like that life is only a memory, not even just nonexistent.Sometimes, to be honest, I can't wait to lose my talent so I can be normal and do normal grow up things.I think when I lose my talent, I want to write books or be a journalist.I want to write about my experience for people to use in the distant future when the problem is merely a historical period.

Today was a weird day, I did something I normally wouldn't do, which is cry.I know that sound depressing but it's true.The day was normal until I decided to deep clean my room as there was no cases today.Lockwood and George decided to participate as well, George obviously needing to do the most work as his room could be mistaken for a garbage disposal.

We cleaned out Lockwood's room first.We first cleared up all his gossip magazines and placed them in order of date and surprisingly, he had some dating back further than his own lifetime.We then finished laying his bed out and sorting his wardrobe, then we sat down on his bed with cups of tea and listened to his favorite stories about us: all his favorite cases,All his favorite meals George had made and more.I loved listening to Lockwood talk about us and the agency, it showed he really cared.Not only about the company, but about us:George and I.George and I didn't interrupt, just listened to Lockwood and exchanged quick glances every time we knew he was exaggerating.

We then got to George's room, which looked like a bomb went off in there.We cleaned up all his worksheets, we then organized his fridge of weird alien body parts and sorted his bed (as we did with Lockwood).I was expecting to do more but apparently not.

We took another break and I offered to clean my room by myself but Lockwood insisted he should help.George scoffed then agreed to help to.We got to my room and it was already equally clean, probably the cleanest of the three rooms, but we began work almost immediately.Lockwood and George took great care in tendering my room, especially Lockwood.Which is surprising acknowledging the fact that the last thing Lockwood would want to do on a Sunday is clean when he could be reading magazines and drinking tea or ghost hunting, his favorite pastime.Lockwood organized my draws, I swept the floors and George laid the bed.

As we were cleaning, I kept on flashing glimpses at Lockwood, just in case he found anything I don't want him to see.About ten minutes into cleaning, I looked up at him and saw him staring into the middle draw, looking like he was holding something.I then realized what it was:
"Lucy."Lockwood voice was slow. "Is that, you and your family."
I knew what the picture was.It was me when I was around twelve, my sisters and my mother.I never bothered to call her my "mum" anymore because she didn't feel like one.There are mothers and there are mums, and my mother wasn't a mum.

I quickly grabbed the picture from his hands and cradled it in my own.I then sat down on the bed to examine it.I haven't seen that picture in ages, let alone stopped to view it.
"Yeah"I quiet my words, as if the only one to hear them and Lockwood sits beside me "I was twelve and it was my sisters birthday.We all had to take a photo together, pretend that we were "big happy family".We were not.Mum didn't let me eat that night because I missed the happy birthday song."I could feel a tear racing down my cheek.Why was I crying?I left that all behind to join Lockwood and co and I was never going back, but until she was dead.

As I sat there and cried, I felt a fingers scoop up a tear that was forming under my eye.I turned to see Lockwood, his dark eyes looked worried and his smile was upturned.
"There gone now."He whispered. "We're family now: you,me and George.And we won't do anything that the did to you I promise."Lockwood placed his hand over my own once more, this time with more caution but I proceeded and let his take my hand in his own and stroke it, as if we were one.Is it unusual to say that I missed  Lockwood holding my hand?His hand was never cold and sweaty but it's warm, not hot and I sort of loved him for it.It sounds like a stupid thing to say so doubt that I would say it again but yes, I love Lockwood.He is my best friend

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