22~ Sleeping kicks to in-law's

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"Areee bahuuuu"

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"Areee bahuuuu"

(Oh, daughter-in-law)

Niranjana was trying to escape Jeevika's tight hug from behind as she had her legs resting on the lower part of Dadi Sa's body.

"Hey rama yeh ladki"

(Oh god this girl)

Ruhanika suddenly wakes up from her sleep because she hears voices. she startled, quickly looks around and immediately widens her eyes, gazing at what's happening beside her.

"Dadi-sa, what is thi___?"

She was like, 'Whoa, what's going on?!' when she saw Niranjana struggling while Jeevika was practically squeezing her grandma tight in a hug.

"Nikalo hame yaha se"

(Take me out from here)

Niranjana was totally shook when she saw her daughter-in-law's new look, like OMG! whereas Ruhanika, trying so hard not to, couldn't help but let out a little giggle which she immediately hid when her grandma shot her a death glare.

"Let me help you"

After a ton of effort, Ruhanika finally got Niranjana to sit still. She even passed her a glass of water and looked over at her bhabhi-sa, who was totally carefree and sound asleep.

"Bach gayi"

(I survived)

Ruhi laughed and playfully switched places with Niranjana, who was sleeping between them.

"I will sleep in the middle"

She nodded and Ruhanika turned off the lamp before going to sleep in her new spot.

Few years later


Ruhanika let out a yelp of pain when she got kicked in the back.

"Oh god bhabhi-sa, sone mat do aap"

(Oh God, sister-in-law, don't let me sleep.)

She was so annoyed when she opened her eyes and saw that Jeevika kept on kicking but finally, she felt relieved when Jeevika suddenly stopped flailing her legs.

"Aah, dadiiiiiii"

Ruhanika is such a whiner, always waking Niranjana up from her sleep.

"Why are you yelling?"

She was all cosy in her bed, enjoying a peaceful sleep at 3 am when suddenly, Ruhi's loud shout broke the tranquillity, irritating her.

"Bhabhi-sa laat chala rahi hai, aur mujhe pure paanch baar mara"

(Sister-in-law threw her legs and managed to kick me five times.)

She was holding up her five fingers right in front of Niranjana's face as soon as they plopped down on the bed and then they both turned to look at Jeevika, who was still snoring like crazy. Even though it was a big bed, her legs were still hanging off towards them.

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