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Tomorrow is the party. I can't help but say that Im nervous as fuck. I've never been to a party before. What if I die or something? It's not likely that I'll get murdered, but it's something I have every right to be worried about.

"For fucks sake, Noah, you're not gonna die at a high school party," Eva replied.

"Yeah, but like what if there's a serial killer disguised as a high schooler and he's like really hot and I make out with him and while we're making out he stabs me right through my spinal cord."

Eva raised an eyebrow. "Thats what you think is gonna happen? You make out with a hot serial killer disguised as a high schooler and then you get stabbed through your spinal cord?"

I nodded.

"You sure your okay up there, Noah?" She flicked the side of my head.

I swatted her hand. "I'm perfectly okay mentally."

"Alright, if you say so," Eva said with a smirk, "Maybe that hot guy your gonna totally make out with isn't a serial killer."

I exhaled sharply. "I know where this is going."

"Then tell me."

I scoffed. "You're suggesting that I'm gonna have some huge awakening and realize that 'oh shit, Cody is so ugly and hot at the same time I kinda want him'."

"That's what Izzy wants," Eva explained. "I mean, you guys do seem kind of cute together."

"Who looks cute together?!"

I turned around to see Cody's face inches from mine. I rolled my eyes.

"Some kids from one of Eva's class."

"Specifically my last class," Eva said, "I'll leave you guys alone for now."

She walked off to Izzy who was standing further down the hall, taking her hand and walking off somewhere else.

Cody's eyes widened and he pointed to them. "That's kinda gay."

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Cody." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He flashed that stupid gap-toothed smile, and I couldn't help but feel a slight blush creep across my face.


I can't be blushing. That'll mean Izzy and Eva are right about Cody and I looking cute together. We're not! Cody's like, definitely straight. But didn't he tell me he was bi?

I think i'm having a fucking crisis right now.

{ short ass filler chapter but whatever }

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