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Naruto's True Nindo

Kyuubi123 here again with my newest fic. Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: Don't own naruto


It is said that one little, seemingly irrelevant event can have enormous consequences. Naruto Uzumaki was about to learn this lesson, and he had no idea what effects this would have on his future.

Young Naruto had just failed the genin exam for the second time. He had tried hard but still couldn't pull it off. He saw the sad look in Iruka-sensei's eyes when he had to tell Naruto that he had failed, but he could not and would not make an exception for the young eleven year old.

Naruto was now sitting on the head of the fourth Hokage looking over the village. He was very sad but tried to look at the bright side.

'At least I won't have to be with ninja older than I am.' He thought. However, he knew that if he failed one more time than he wouldn't even be paired with ninja his own age. He would be the only student to ever fail three consecutive times. Most had dropped out of the academy after failing the second time, but Naruto refused to give up.

He stood up and yelled to the village, even if no one could hear him, "I will not give up, and I will never surrender. I am Naruto Uzumaki and I will be the Hokage someday!" he yelled.

"Oh really?" said a voice behind Naruto. Naruto turned around and saw a man completely wrapped in a black cloak that hid every feature about him.

"Who are you!" yelled Naruto fearfully, afraid that this man would hurt him.

"So you want to be Hokage do you?" asked the man, completely ignoring the question.

"What's it to you?!" yelled Naruto. He was sick and tired of others putting down his dream.

"I just want to know why you would want to be the Hokage. Few have that as their dream and I find it intriguing that one so young would have a dream so big." The man said.

"Well if you must know." Naruto said while puffing out his chest and trying to look confident "I want to be hokage so that everyone in this village will stop treating me like I'm a nobody and finally give me some respect."

The man simply looked at Naruto for a while, saying nothing. "That's stupid." He said.


"Now, now I never said that you wouldn't be the Hokage, I simply meant that your reason for being the Hokage was stupid." The man said.

"Huh?" the confused Naruto said.

"Why do you care what other think about you? Don't you have anyone who already acknowledges you?" the man asked.

Naruto thought about it and the faces of Iruka, the third Hokage, and the people at the ramen stand came to mind. "Yeah, I guess I do have some people who acknowledge me." He said.

"Then that should be enough. I have seen you around the village and see your pranks and very loud personality. You do all that to gain some form of recognition don't you?" the man asked sadly.

Naruto was shocked that this man knew so much about him. Most of the villagers didn't know and didn't care to know anything about him.

"Yeah, well at least when I do those things then they acknowledge me." He said.

The man looked at Naruto, and even though Naruto couldn't see his face he could tell that this man had a sad look on his face.

"Naruto, you shouldn't do things like that to gain their recognition or acknowledgement. It's meaningless." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2009 ⏰

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