New Beginnings

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Ezekiel was running, rushing to pull out his obsidian as he ran. Being a now ex king, not having worked a day in his very long life, he was running out of breath. He had to stop soon. Zombie piglins were after him.

He was run out of his own town after over six hundred years of being their king and god. His only escape method was his nether portal. Fortunately, the villagers were too afraid of the portal to ever go inside, so he was safe inside. The only issue with that was the fact that he had to go back to the surface eventually. Luckily, he conveniently had gold on him to trade for obsidian, so he could find his way out. After walking a good two thousand meters, he decided to start finding a good portal spot. That was when he accidentally hit a zombie piglin. Now he had to run.

He pulled himself up onto a ledge that the zombie piglins couldn't reach and started building his portal. Once the portal was built, he lit it with his flint and steel. He hurriedly jumped in, and fell face-first into the ground on the other side.

It was much cooler in temperature, and he could rest for a moment. The cool grass under him felt so much better than standing over blazing lava. Instead of standing up, he rolled onto his back to look up at his surroundings, still trying to catch his breath. Despite wanting to see where he was, he had his eyes closed. His crown was off of his head and in the grass beside him due to the fall, but for once, he was okay with that. It was peaceful. No fire crackling, no bubbling lava, no piglins, just leaves swaying in the light breeze. He finally opened his eyes, curious to see where he landed.

Not only was he in the same biome he left, but it was also night time. In fact, he could hear a distant zombie groan. He had to run again. He picked himself up to a kneel and reached for his crown when he couldn't see it. Instead, there were little shoes?

He looked up to see a very little girl with small sheep-like horns. Around four to five years old if he had to guess. She was holding his crown, looking at it with a face of pure interest. In the low moonlight, he could tell she had been crying before.

"What is this? It's so shiny" To Ezekiel's surprise, the girl spoke up first.

He defensively grabbed his crown back, and put it on his head. "It's my crown. Who are you? Where am I?" He didn't expect much of a response, since she herself looked lost, although it was worth a shot.

It seemed like pulling the crown away from her wasn't such a good idea, since her face seemed to fall.

"I'm Katya, but I don't know where I am." She started to tear up, like she just remembered why she was there. "It's scary out here"

Amazing. Very helpful. A little kid that won't be able to lead him back to civilization. That was expected though. It would be foolish of him to have any real hope in that strategy.

"Do you have a family?" Ezekiel asked her, hoping she would at least have some sort of society he could hopefully stay at. Preferably not another village, but beggars can't be choosers.

"Yeah, but they're far away I think." Katya explained, fidgeting with the hem of her neutral colored dress.

Ezekiel could hear that zombie from before more clearly, reminding him he was still on the run. He stood up fully and drew his sword with his right hand. The sudden action seemed to temporarily confuse Katya.

"We have to go. We can't stay here." He picked up the small girl with his other arm and started moving forward. Not as fast as he ran in the nether, although it was quicker than a walk. Katya seemed to accept being held, wrapping her arms around his neck for better security. Thankfully, with only a few steps, he could see lights. That was a good sign. He followed the lights, hoping it was her house, and not another village.

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