2. Show me what you can do

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(This is set about 2 months later your now a pilot for 141 but you have to be tested on your skill and also a TW for: SH related content, death, suicidal thoughts.)

"Shit shit shit, ima pass out" I say quickly over coms knowing I might crash I start climbing so I have room when i pass out.

"COME ON MARS! DONT GIVE UP. YOUR AT 12 G'S!" Ghost said after my words (we are basically best friends not to Bragg)

"I-I'm t-trying..." the line goes blank I go out my speed falling as the g force drops.

"Y/N?- I-I MEAN MARS! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Silence.. before the storm

"I'm awake." I whisper into the coms line before I say one last word. "Bombs away L.T"

"Bulls eye mars." He was impressed but worried I think everyone was as they watched from the ground

"Head back to base Mars" he almost pleaded.

This man cares about me. And I hated it. Before we move on you should know.
When I was younger and was in the force we were "attacked" by mistake.
After it happened I felt worthless like I was a burden to everyone I hated people showing me love because. Well I thought I cursed people I thought people I loved died.
This lead me to an attempted suicide at 20.

"On my way L.T" i felt bad my mind was racing.

I walked over to the squad after the landing I didn't want to be here. These people actually ca-cared about me?- n-no they can't. No one loves me?

"We thought we lost you y/n.." soap vowed

Fuck these people actually care.
"I never die, seriously you think I'm gonna crash from a small stall?" I said laughing but still fidgeting and picking my skin.

Back at the barracks I jumped into my hard bed but at this point enything felt better then being with them. They must be faking this. Right?


Oh god not now. I CANT deal with this today. I scoffed and got out of bed still in uniform my hair still in a tight military bun.

"Ah mars I just came to see how you were doing you seemed, off earlier." Soap looked at me  Praying for answers.

"I am fine" I looked at soap confidently

I know what I have to do. What I do when I'm stressed I have to go for a little ride.

The COD pilot (if call of duty 141 had an air force)Where stories live. Discover now