⚠︎ Warnings ⚠︎

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Before reading the following sections, I would like to inform you that these mentions are all very disturbing and very real. As sad and scary as they might be, if you are or have struggled with anything below I advise you to seek professional help to improve your current state. Remember to stay safe and take care of yourself. You are not alone, there's always hope. Stay strong.

⚠︎ Some Stories May Include: 

+ Strong, Vulgar Language

+ Vivid Descriptions of Gore and/or Violence 

+ Drug, Alcohol and Substance Ābuse 

+ Sēxual Harassment, Assāult and Viōlence 

+ 18+ Sēxual Content

+ Self Inflīcted Hārm, Sūicide

+ Mental, Physical, Emotional Hurt/ Ābuse

⚠︎ Mentions Of the Following May Also Occur: 

+ Cānnibalism

+ Rāpe

+ Ābdūctīon/ Kīdnāppīng

+ Death by Unnatural Causes

+ Pōisōning

+ Animal Ābuse 

+ Eating Disorders

+ Body Dysphoria/ Dysmorphia 

+ Depression/ Anxiety 

+ Mental Illness and Disorder


After reading through the potential topic list, if are disturbed by any of the things that were just laid out, I would suggest not reading through any of my stories that have the Mature Content option on. 

On a brighter note, I will occasionally update this "book" so that you can stay up to date on all the things I'll be doing as I go. If you are interested in my writing, you can visit here to stay caught up! I will also create a content list for each story I begin just in case.  

(I create and photograph all the covers for my novels/books etc. with the help of Canva)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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