Stormy Journey

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Greater Portmore
Ta-Lea White

September 9th , 2022
Bright Monday morning my alarm woke me up at 5:30 am . I yarned , twist and turned in bed before I got up . This is my last year in 6th form at Jonathan grant high school , I live with my mother Jessie and my step father Odean .
I got up look in the mirror and saw that under my eyes were still puffy because I cried myself to sleep last night. 

After my dad died when i was 13 years old,  my life turn into total misery. Whatever my step dad says goes literally, last night I asked how my school fee is going pay , i need books and the necessities for school and my stepdad said that's not his problem I walked away with tears flowing down my face .
Enough of the sadness , I went into the bathroom my little brother Tahee and I shared . I did my personal hygiene then head to my brother to wake him up because if I don't I will get in trouble.

I never give birth to no child but somehow he is my responsibility
I woke him up, he is six years old,  he attend St. Catherine primary school. Which is up the road from my high school. We currently reside in Greater Portmore 2 east .
I bathe him and got him ready for school,  then got myself ready . Packed his bag, spread his bed for him then proceed to make way downstairs in the kitchen to make us breakfast.
Tahee ~ sissy can get Lasco tea instead of Milo
I turned around and said yes
Never see a child weh love Lasco tea so
I made egg and sausages with lasco for both of us it's now 6:30 am
I watch my mom as she made her way downstairs
Jessie ~ so Ta- Lea White u couldn't make some for your parents too
I was going to tell her that's not my job to cook for she and her man but I said mommy I was rushing because I woke up late I totally forgot

God forgive me but is this lady serious
Jessie ~ mhmm
I honestly ignored her ,made my way to my room took up my jansport bag i have this bag from grade 9 and i am not going to ask for a new one my school shoes soon start beg bread but such is life .  I texted my friends 

< group chat >

Hey bitches please don't be late Juliana ~ Girl this is our last year I have to change n leave with a bang Ta-Lea ~ dat is it Incoming call from Taleq my cousin on my father side we are like twins inseparable. We were born in the same year , same month and two days apart . Like our fathers had planned it and now it so funny that we are both father less .another fun fact Our dads name us after each other
Ta-Lea ~ crawsis weh u want Taleq~ so yuh greet yuh favorite cousin I heard my mother shouting my name I yelled coming I went downstairs with my cousin still on the phone Jessie ~ make me child late for school and see wah gwaan I rushed to take up Tahee school bag and head outside I put back my phone at my ears Taleq me will call u back Taleq~ Bredda me a drop u a school me just buy me Benz me out a front I hanged up I walked out to the front holding my brother hand asking him if he is okay , he nodded saying yes. We both spotted Taleq car same time Tahee release his grip from my hand , ran to Taleq car he came out and lift him up. He treat him like family , he also spoils him .I told them to hurry up because if Tahee is late I am dead .Even though Spain is 15 minutes away I don't care .there is always traffic on the road especially now with schools being open. Taleq was speeding and running red lights I had to remind him that I am not ready to die he said just cool man . I gave him the side eye because Jessie will kill me twice if anything happens to her golden child .We finally arrived at St. .Catherine primary I walked him in and when I was about to leave I heard him shouting my name
I turned around
Weh u want ?
He ran up to me and gave me a hug saying " u never told me that u love me "
I laughed while bending down to kiss him on his cheek and whisper in his ear " sister love you always "
I will kill for my little brother he is my child that I never gave birth to literally even though its annoying at times .
I walked out and told Taleq I will walk go up
Taleq~ big man come inna the car and nuh make we have nothing
I kiss my teeth , him just extra it's literally up the road . I pulled the passenger door and got it
Ta-Lea ~ Awah ? U wah people know seh u buy Benz ?
We went to same basic straight to high school but he stopped and said school was a waste of time
Taleq ~ no Bredda uh love walk to much
I asked him to turn down his noise I hate attention.
I spotted Juliana and signal Taleq to blow his horn so she could look my way , she smiled and cross the road she got in the back seat she said good morning everyone and I laughed
U early this morning fren i said 
Juliana~ u deaf ? I said I'm changing you didn't believe me ?
I asked her if she heard from our other friend Chintai
She said I think her flight got delayed and she will be coming tomorrow.
I replied " ok"
Chintai lived in a gated scheme in Portmore with her brothers and her parents live overseas so she always visited them on holidays . she use to attend willowdene group of schools but got kick due to her brothers actions by forming gang in the people them school .
We got out of the car and I told Taleq later and Juliana slam his car door
Taleq shouted ~ likkle gurl nuh take out u man problems on my baby
We both laughed
we made our way inside, everyone was heading to the open area where we have devotion every morning.
It's now
I spotted my form teacher and her crush walking I was motioning Juliana to look but she was down in her phone texting her man so she missed it .

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