Exo: Best friend Sehun & The new guy Kai Part I

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"______!!! Wait up!!" you heard as you walked. You turned to see your best friend Sehun running after you. You and Sehun were childhood buddies, partners in crime. "Morning Sehun." you greeted Sehun when he caught up to you. "Morning, hey did you do the homework for Mr. Lee's class?" He asked. "Ne, why? Did you?" you answered. "Most of it." he said as he gave you a puppy face. You looked away and sighed as you handed him your notebook. "Your a life saver ______! I'll buy you bubble tea after school ok?" his obsession for bubble tea started when you two were younger. You two always got bubble tea together. When you were ever upset or stressed out, Sehun would always bring you bubble tea and you would do the same for him too. You two knew everything about each other, there was nothing that you two wouldn't tell or keep from each other.

~At school~

"Good morning everyone," Mr. Lee greeted, "Ok class we have a new student, please make him feel welcome." everyone was silent, "Everyone this is Kim Jong In." Mr. Lee said as the new student walked into the classroom. "Call me Kai." the boy said. "Ok Kai, you can sit behind ______." Mr. Lee said as he pointed to the seat behind you. Kai looked like such a cool guy. Everything about him seemed cool, even how he stood was cool. Everyone watched as Kai walked to his seat. You two made eye contact before he reached his seat.

~Sehun's POV~

"Call me Kai" the boy said. You looked over to ______. "Why is she looking at him like that?" You thought. "Ok Kai, you can sit behind ______.". "Oh hells naw!!" you thought to yourself. You watched as dis jerk Kai walk to the seat behind ______. "He better not look at ______ or I will get pissed!!" You thought as you continued to watch him. "DIS GUY JUST MADE EYE CONTACT WIT ______!!! HE WANTS TO DIE." You thought in anger. You were always protective with ______, she was like your other half. She's gotten hurt so much from guys in the past. You didn't do you best to protect her. You regret that.

~Author's POV~

During the lesson, you were all writing down the notes Mr. Lee wrote on the board. Sehun was sitting to your right. He always looked confused. He was writing the notes and finishing the homework he did "most" of. You looked back to your notebook and continued writing the notes.

At the end of class, you turned around and put your notebook in your backpack. As you were putting your stuff away, Mr. Lee called you. "Ne?" You answered. "Could you show Kai around. It wouldn't be good for him to get lost on his first day." Mr. Lee asked you. "Um... Sure." You answered.

You turned back and continued to put your stuff away. You looked up and saw Kai staring at you. You gave him a quick smile and zipped up your backpack. You stood up and looked at Sehun. "Sehun let's go." You told Sehun as he got up. "Are you ready?" You asked Kai. "Yeah." He answered calmly.

"He's really calm for his first day." You thought to yourself. You walked out with Sehun and Kai behind you. When you reached Sehun's next class, he gave you a quick fist pump and walked into the classroom.

Kai walked to your side and followed. "So what's your next class?" You asked him. He pulled out his schedule and handed it to you. You looked at his schedule, he had many classes with you. "You have most of your classes with me so I guess you could just follow me through out the day." You told him. He nodded. He didn't say much. It was his first day after all.

You walked into the literature room with Kai behind you. You walked near the middle of the classroom. You put you bag down on the table and sat down. It was two to a table. Kai put his backpack down and sits in the seat next to you.

Later more of the students walked in and sat down. Two girls sat at the table next to you and Kai. One looked over and turned to her friend and started to giggle. They were really loud. They keep looking over and giggled even more.

Then one walked to you. "Um hey _____. Could I borrow a pencil?" She asked as she kept looking over to Kai. "Yeah um hold on." You said as you looked through your pencil bag. She just stood there and stared at Kai.

After you handed her a pencil, she turned to Kai. "Hi. Um are you new here?" She asked him. Kai nodded. "Oh really?! No wonder I was so confused to see such a gorgeous, uh I mean new face around here." She answered followed with a fake, high pitched laugh. Kai just smiled awkwardly and look to you. You shrugged.

"I'm Cho Bong Cha." She told him. "Voted one of the best looking girls in school last year." She said as she pulled her bangs behind one ear and bit her lip. Kai smiled awkwardly again and looked back down.

"Ok class have a seat." Mrs. Byun said as she walked in. "Miss Cho please have a seat." Mrs. Byun said sternly. "Ye Mrs. Byun." She said and quickly walked to her seat.

"Well everyone, we have a new student joining us for the year." Mrs. Byun said as she looked to Kai. Kai stood up from his seat. "Please introduce yourself to the class." Mrs. Byun asked. "Ne annyeonghaseyo. My name is Kim Jong In but I'd like to be called Kai." Kai said calmly with a blank expression. He sat back down and everyone in the class stared at him. "Ne gomabseubnida. Now on with the lesson." Mrs. Byun continued.

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