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Oscar was pretty sure that Felix didn't know what a movie was.

Or, if he seemed to have some understanding, it wasn't an awareness of the entire concept . There was a little in his expression, but the boy had merely watched them curiously. Ray was likewise somewhat ignorant of what Oscar was doing, though he was clearly bemused as Oscar loaded the truck up with pillows and air mattresses and snacks and blankets and drinks after dinner. Then both of them looked at Oscar in confusion when he ordered them into pyjamas.

It was a caterpillar onesie with feet and a hood for Felix, though the boy also had one of Ray's sweaters with him, along with the water bottle, lobster and caterpillar Ray and Oscar merely wore jogging pants and t-shirts, before they piled into the truck and Oscar drove toward the drive-in theatre. Felix was making growling noises and playing with his two toys. Ray half turned to watch the boy with a grin on his features.

Oscar turned the radio on low enough that they could still talk if need be, though the moment he recognised the song, he began singing along with it. After a few lines, he realised Felix had gone silent, and he looked in the rearview mirror to see the boy watching him intently.

Catching his gaze, Felix smiled quietly.

As Oscar continued to sing along to the music, Felix began to sway and bob his head, closing his eyes and enjoying it until they reached the theatre. When Oscar pulled up to the attendant, he could sense the tension from both Ray and Felix, the stillness in the truck almost smothering as he paid for their vehicle before pulling away.

They arrived early enough that they still had a prime choice for parking and, after glancing at Ray for a moment for a sign that it was too much, the man merely shook his head, his eyes taking in the scene around them. Oscar backed into a spot before beginning to set up the nest of mattresses, pillows and blankets in the truck bed, sitting Felix inside of it as soon as the mattresses were done.

The boy watched him, snuggled into blankets and pillows until you could make out his toys better than him. Around them, other families and couples were pulling up, kids running around as parents went to buy popcorn or similarly set up their vehicle. Ray began helping, then climbed into the truck bed with Felix, allowing the boy to climb onto his lap while Oscar brought out the movie snacks and set up the radio for them to listen.

As the world got dark, the screen lit up and Oscar climbed in beside Ray, grinning as he saw Felix's look of wonder as the animated advertisements began playing over the screen. "I brought chips and pop and candy, any snack I remember liking as a kid."

"But you could buy it all at the shop there." Ray nodded to where people were rushing from a small building, hurrying to get settled before the movie started.

"Far more expensive." Oscar offered before grinning. "But we can grab popcorn, corn dogs and nachos between the movies if you want."

Ray gave him a look over Felix's head that caused Oscar to laugh, before he grinned at Felix, who was pointing to the screen as the first movie started.

The boy signed. "Movie?"

Oscar nodded, reaching down to ruffle the boy's hair as Felix grew comfortable enough to claim a spot between the two of them. Although he was still curled up, the boy seemed more comfortable, as if he wasn't doing it to hide, but merely to relax now.

Felix gasped and clapped softly as the first movie really began playing, his eyes wide and a wide grin forming on his features, bringing smiles to both Ray and Oscar as they watched the boy more than the story going on the screen. Felix's wonder was precious, and the boy grinned happily as he munched on random snacks and signed questions about the movies as they went. Oscar laughed out loud when Felix tried the sour candy that Ray seemed surprisingly content with and sneezed while shaking his head and making a face.

"They're good." Ray insisted, though they both grinned as Felix shook his head and ate a handful of popcorn.

But it was the last movie that drew an actual laugh of delight from the boy as he jumped up and bounced a couple times, pointing to the screen that boasted a couple of bugs.

"A Bug's Life." Ray read to Felix, grinning thoughtfully as the boy held up his caterpillar toward the screen before pouncing around for a bit on the mattress, before crawling back close to them.

Despite the excitement and wonder at the movie and experience as a whole, the movie was barely half done when Oscar heard the telltale purring of Felix sleeping. When he turned to grin at Ray about it, he realised the man was fast asleep as well. He waited for a few moments before he quietly packed up the snacks and threw them through the back window into the truck cab, then gingerly picked up Felix.

The boy was a rag doll in his arms as he strapped him into his car seat, then made sure the boy was surrounded by his toys and blankets before he turned back to the genuine dilemma of the night.

Ray was bigger than Oscar, and made of solid muscle, heavy enough that even with Oscar's vampire strength, it would be incredibly awkward for him to pick the man up and carry him into the truck. But Ray looked so incredibly peaceful that Oscar sighed and climbed up on the truck bed, sliding his arm under Ray's shoulder.

It only took that touch, finding Ray's eyes suddenly open and watching him with confusion. "Oscar."

"You both fell asleep." Oscar grinned and kissed him before pulling back.

"What were you doing?" Ray readjusted the hat on his head, before frowning at the spot where Felix used to be.

"He's in the truck. I was going to move you in there. I didn't want to wake you." Oscar shrugged, flushing with embarrassment as Ray watched him in confusion as they climbed down from the truck and closed the cover on it.

They could pack up the mattresses and blankets later.

"I would have had to have been tranquillised to sleep through you carrying me to my seat." Ray offered, though he grinned, showing that he was amused or charmed by the concept.

Oscar just shook his head, turning off the radio as he started the truck and pulled out of the spot, driving out of the theatre before the movie ended and they were stuck in a rush of people trying to get out.

Still purring, Felix remained asleep in the back.

"We're going to have to buy that movie, I think." Oscar chuckled softly and glanced at Ray. "He'll probably watch it a million times."

"It was not a horrible movie." Ray offered, rolling his shoulders in a shrug as he drifted off again.

Oscar merely grinned and enjoyed the sound of the two of them sleeping, knowing it meant that they were both comfortable and secure with him.

He could definitely get used to this.

Little Mr. SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now