The robbery.

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Kaoru finally woke up, the cloth which sent him to sleep sat on his cheek. His eyes were puffy and a light shade of red. His head throbbed like crazy, cherry tan his fingers through his hair, his hair comforted him. Ever since Kojiro/Joe told him his hair was gorgeous, he's groomed it to the best of his ability.

He finally got himself up, looking around to see nothing but his paintbrushes. His world was still spinning, but he knew he couldn't just stay here. He called Carla. Silence. He must've thought her charge died. He looked up at the only place he placed Carla. She wasn't there. Along with all his paintings.

He was robbed.

Kaoru staggered to his feet, he kept mumbling 'phone, phone..' over and over again. He began throwing blankets, clothes and anything he could get his hands on around. His breathing quickened. He was still in a daze from the drugged cloth. Once he finally got his phone, he called the police.

A few minutes later, they arrived, detectives and a group of police walked into his house. They began sampling items, testing for fingerprints however they wouldn't come back till next month. Kaoru insisted he was fine.

A blue haired police officer walked up to the other, kaoru gazed at his face then his badge, 'langa'. "Do you have any family, if you do, you should get someone to live with you for awhile, now that others know your vulnerable you could be a target."

Cherry slowly shook his head. "You might wanna hire a body guard then." He paused before raising a brow, "You know.. I have a friend of a friend, who is up for grabs? I don't think he cares about payments that much."

Cherry raised a brow before the police officer, langa, and him exchanged contacts. "We'll be back soon." The police fled from his house. All cherry wanted to do was cry, everything he worked so hard for, was gone. That night, all he did was sleep.

____ The next day.

Cherry woke up, who's this mad at him at 8 in the morning. He rushed to the door, once he opened the door he rubbed his eyes, blinded by the light. "KOURU?" The green haired man shouted. Cherry's eyes widened. "I thought you were in italy." He said stubbornly, it was obvious he wasn't to pleased about his arrival.

Joe broke the silence, "I'm sorry-" Cherry cut him off "After Adam left you were the only one I had left, and you promised, joe you promised me!" Cherry's eyes looked like marbles, joe couldn't do much but hug the man. He slowly made his way in and shut the door behind him. "You know how much I wanted to pursue cooking? I didn't have much of a choice, it was either that or I had to become a doctor. Come on, imagine me as a doctor." Cherry attempted to laugh, but his voice was sore. "I can't, you're too much of a stupid ape to pass your first year in med school." Cherry muttered, his voice wobbled.

Cherry pulled out before freezing. "When did you get this big?" He eyed the other up and down, "What did they feed you in Italy? Since when were you this tall?" Kojiro laughed at the number of questions. "I went gym so youre punched wouldn't hurt no more, but we gotta do somethin' bout that mouth." Korjio smugly said. Joe took the time to look at cherry properly. "Forget that, have they even been feeding you?" Kojiro lifted up his arm, he was as skinny as a twig.

"Ever since you used me as your 'lab rat' n fed me all those types of flavoured foods, I couldn't eat anything other than your cooking. I found everything else too bland. Blame yourself." Kouru's eyebrows furrowed inwords, although he was supposed to look furious. In kojiros eyes, he looked like a kid. He held a warm smile. He missed this.

Authors note:
I'm probably gonna drag this series on.
At least you guys get more matchablossom!!!

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