The Beginning

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Waking up everyday in the same place I've lived all my life feels like I'm living the same day over and over again. New Jersey doesn't feel like the home it used to. Instead of awaiting each new day, I'm counting the minutes until its over. 

I wake up.

Go to my minimum wage job.

Come home.

Play some guitar.

Fall asleep.

I can't deal with another day of that. All I've ever wanted was to perform. I had been the lead in shows, done recitals, sung in choir, did band. All of that "Theatre kid" stuff but I promise I wasn't weird. I miss it, but that's all in my high school past.

I never thought I'd have to give up performing music but here I am. I still occasionally write music when I need a break from life though. Sometimes life just doesn't work out in the way you want it to.

I need to shut out those negative thoughts.

I snap out of my thinking and focus on what's going on around me. The shuffling of my shoes against the slush covered pavement drag me along to work. If I'm late again, my boss will fire me. 

I mean that doesn't sound too bad. Its a win win in my oppinion, but then I wouldn't be able to pay rent, or eat, or manage my phone bills. I have to keep this job even though it makes me miserable.

As I was walking along the busy streets, I wasn't paying much attention and bumped into a stranger almost knocking them over. Feeling horrible, I try to apologize but my voice gets stuck in my throat once I see who it is.

"Ava?" He asks unsure if it was me.

I glance up slowly

I was never much of a popular person back in highschool so I never expected him to recognize me. We had barely spoken back then except for exchanging a few glances or small conversations during choir or band. I would always see him and his brothers at the musical performances our school put off like musicals, recitals, and shows. If I'm going to be honest, i used to have a thing for him before the fame. I liked that he was into making music and singing even though it was steriotyped as "girly". All that is behind me now though.

Shaking my thoughts from my mind I come back to reality.

"Joe!" I try to sound enthusiastic and not nervous out of my mind.

I think to myself what is this man doing strolling around in public in broad daylight? And how does he remember me?! He smiles seemingly not have noticed my nervousness.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in so long!" He states.

"Oh you know, just getting along. I'm trying not to lose my mind over my job. It's my last straw. Anyways, what brings you to town?" I ramble.

Way to impress him Ava Just tell him your whole life story while you're at it.

"That's too bad to hear for you, but for me it's really good. I actually came back in town to find you! Although it seems as if you've already found me." He chuckles at himself.

Good? Why would it be good? Why was he looking for me?

"And why might that be?" I questioned raising my eyebrow at him.

"Well really need a backup singer or guitarist for our tour, and me and the boys were thinking back and remembered how great of a musician you were. You have the exact sound we are looking for. Plus you'll be able to quit that horrible sounding job of yours."

"Really?! It's been a long while since I've performed. Especially to a crowd. Are you sure it's me you're looking for?" I ask unsure of what he will say next.

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