the shed.

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vanitas' eyelids were heavy, his forehead was red with a fever.

"vanitas. seeing as we only have one blanket, perhaps we should lay with each other for warmth?" jeanna proposed.

"jeanna. I am at my limits in so many ways." vanitas had whispered, his breath was hot.

"oh." jeanna started.

slowly, vanitas' head rested on her shoulder.

"v–vanitas!?" jeanna stuttered.

"vanitas— your head is burning! let me get you some water!" jeanna stood up, her naked body prickling under the cold.

she slipped her lingerie looking robe on before running to her case, grabbing a canteen of water.

"jeanna. our goals are completely different." vanitas whispered.

"My goal is to save Chloé. yours is to slaughter her." he says.

"You should just kill me off." He rasped.

"No! Why would I do that, vanitas! stop speaking nonsense! all you've done is save me." Jeanna explained.

"Your so gullible, jeanna. thats the thing with you people. noé is the exac—" jeanna took a swigg of her water, without swallowing it she walked towards vanitas.

their lips met, she pushed the water from her mouth into his. his Adam's apple bobbed up and down for a moment as he swallowed the water.

"if you want to be killed by me so desperately you better rest before this fever beats me to it."

she took another swigg, kissing vanitas again so he'd swallow it.

but this time, neither pulled away.

jeanna slowly Climbed onto vanitas' lap, she pulled away slowly.

"vanitas—" she whispered.

vanitas' head was resting on her chest. "jeanna. your so warm." He whispered, his breath still shaggy and rough.

jeannas hand met his hair gently. she felt a singular kiss on her chest before vanitas pulled away.

he grabbed her, using her to get up then picking her up.

he collapsed onto the bed with her, forcing her to curl up against him.

"jeanna. thank you." He whispers, his eyes didn't leave hers for a hot minute.


"Your welcome, vanitas."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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