"Bye Stacey!"

Front lawn.

Night time.


"Oh Leah, what are you doing here?"

"Just thinking?"

"Um..would it be okay if I joined you?"

"You know even though I don't see you often, even though I'm not home most of the time, I still love you and it amazes me how much you've grown. Make it big okay? Leave this town ridden with lies, and reach for something better."
Stacey exhales.
"Wow this is nice. Beats what I usually do anyway..fuck, Leah I just want a stable life. One where I'm not on my toes constantly, scared mom and dad will kick me out. One where I can just take a break from getting shit faced. One where I can wear comfortable clothes and not this tight shit. One where my boyfriend isn't a meth head trying to drag me into his scene and my friends aren't trashy bimbos forcing me to suck dick."

Stacey starts to cry.

Her voice cracks.

"How'd it end up this way? One day I decide to smoke a little blunt with my friends because of a guy and then the next thing I'm having sex with a guy for money to get a fix."

"My life hasn't even started but it's already ending."

"I miss everything, I miss living."
Sobs quiet down.

Stacey inhales and exhales.

"It feels good to breathe."

"It'd probably feel great to live."
"Leah promise me you won't tell anybody about my dreams. Promise me you won't tell anyone my regrets. Do that for your big sis. Promise me."

"I promise Stacey."

"So much for thinking, huh Leah?"

Stacey laughs and smiles.

She looks her age for once.

Make A PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now