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June 11, 2023

The stranger pushed himself off the wall and walked towards Mingi. Mingi's gaze lingered on his tattoos. He froze in fear when the stranger finally stood in front of him. Although he was shorter than Mingi, his presence was scary enough.

"So you're Mingi," he stated, looking at Mingi with a steady gaze. "And you're... Hongjoong?" Mingi said cautiously. He wasn't sure, but the way the others described him, it could only be him. The man smiled. "You're well informed." Then his smile disappeared. "And what are you doing here?" His voice no longer sounded friendly at all. It gave Mingi goosebumps.

"Uhm..I...I...," Mingi stuttered, but he couldn't get another word out. Hongjoong scoffed. "You know it's dangerous to just walk around here, what if someone spots you?" Hongjoong made a startled expression and put his hand over his mouth. "All those years would have been for nothing and you'd just disappear like that. Poof!" Hongjoong made a sudden hand movement as he spoke and Mingi flinched. He was getting more and more scared. Hongjoong seemed to be absolutely crazy.

Suddenly, Hongjoong started laughing and Mingi's fingernails dug deep into his palms. "You should see the look on your face," he laughed, holding his stomach. Mingi stood there silently and tried not to panic. Suddenly Hongjoong became serious again. His gaze was emotionless again. "Whatever." His voice had become at least two octaves deeper. "Since I can't see Yunho anywhere, you must have  come here on your own." Mingi was still at a loss for words. Hongjoong took a step forward and Mingi immediately took a step back.

"I'd like to see Yunho's reaction if he knew I hurt his little darling." Mingi's hands began to tremble, but he tried to hide it as best he could. Hongjoong noticed it anyway. "Aaaw are you scared? You don't need to be scared boy," Hongjoong mumbled. "Although maybe a little," he added and a stifled laugh from him filled the room. Hongjoong came even closer to him and Mingi was about to close his eyes and accept his fate when they were interrupted.

"Hongjoong I need your help." It was Seonghwa, he had come back. Mingi saw Hongjoong roll his eyes. "Not now," he said, his voice sounding even scarier and angrier than before. Mingi looked uncertainly back and forth between Hongjoong and Seonghwa. "It's important," Seonghwa said, his voice just as angry. Hongjoong sighed angrily, turned away from Mingi and pushed Seonghwa slightly to the side as he walked past him. "I hope so for your sake," he said. Seonghwa wasted no time and walked after him.

When both of them had finally disappeared, Mingi exhaled. Then he ran as fast as he could to the stairs and back up to Yunho's room. He slammed the door and, breathing quickly, crawled into bed. Now he knew what Yeosang had meant. Yunho and Yeosang really were the complete opposite of the others. Mingi was still shaking and his thoughts were a mess.


As it was getting dark outside, there was a knock on the door and Yeosang came in. He put the tray with Mingi's food down on the table. Mingi rolled out of bed. "Yeosang?" Yeosang turned to Mingi and looked at him questioningly. "I want to know more about the others," Mingi said. Yeosang raised an eyebrow. "Why?" he wanted to know and closed Yunho's room door. Then he came to Mingi. Mingi decided not to tell Yeosang about his little adventure. "Just like that. Please. Since I have to stay here forever anyway, it doesn't matter if I know everything, does it?" Mingi made a pout and knew that Yeosang would give in. He didn't understand how someone like Yeosang could work for the mafia anyway. He was far too sweet and cute.

Yeosang sighed and Mingi smiled. "Okay, who do you want to know about?" Yeosang finally said and sat down on Yunho's bed. "About all of them," Mingi blurted out.

"Okay, it all started with Hongjoong. His father is one of the leaders of the mafia and as far as I know, Hongjoong has been a part of them since he was young. I have no idea how he met Seonghwa, but Seonghwa followed him. And then San joined them some time later. I met Seonghwa about a year later and he convinced me to come with them." Mingi nodded. "And what about Yunho?" he asked curiously.

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