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The locals were kind enough to prepare them a feast. Most of the dishes on the table are unfamiliar to her but everything looks appetizing.

Well, every food is appetizing for a foodie like her.

Anntonia who came out of their room after showering pondered for a while in the shadows seeing rhe only empty seat on the table is beside Michelle.

Thinking about what went on in their room made her blush for the second time for today.

There's no way in hell she'll pass on dinner, she must put on a brave face and act like Michelle's compliment did not afftect her at any way. She needs to eat after their hike.

She threaded quietly until she took her spot on that empty seat.

Fabienne winked at her from across the table for an unknown reason but got what she meant when she wiggled her brows.

There's no need to say how attractive Michelle looks. Fabienne even joked she would strip if the Filipina asked her to.

She could only roll her eyes at her friend.

She grabbed her phone and typed away and signed to her best friend to look at her phone.

Knowing how playful Fabienne can be, she warned her before she thinks of doing something.

Cut it out already, she might get the wrong idea.

Wherein Fabienne replied with, 'You're no fun.'

"So did you come here to stare at the food?"

Her attention went to Michelle who sudenly spoke, causing her to twitch in surprise. She mentally cussed at the woman who is enjoying the feast.

Michelle was unbothered, she was even kind enough to put some food on her plate.

"It's gonna be a busy day tomorrow, you should store some energy so eat."

"Thank you P'Michelle." Anntonia cowered like a little girl being fed.

"Adding P' to my name is like calling me Ate, right? Oh Ate means older sister or a term used to call an older woman as a sign of respect."

Anntonia nods. She actually heard Abraham calling Michelle 'Ate' a few times already when they speak to each other.

"No need to call me that. Just call me Michelle or Dee, whichever is easier for you to say."

The Thai woman just nods, taken aback for being talkative than usual.

The last time Abraham called the five teams for dinner at his house, Michelle was there. Although she kept to herself, only interacting with her brother.

Michelle continues enjoying her meal while Anntonia occasionally banters with her teammates, talking about trivial matters.

She didn't have to stretch out her arms to put a portion of food on her plate because Michelle was attentive of her. The quiet woman makes sure to fill her plate.

Anntonia lost count of how many times her face became red as a tomato because of the other woman's gestures.

The others seem oblivious of these little actions since they hit it off with the alcoholic drinks earlier.

It was only her and Michelle who are sober like saints. Every attempt she makes to drink from her glass of beer, Michelle prevents her from doing it.

"Nope, you aren't drinking too. I can't keep an eye on all of you if you get all drunk," is what she said to her.

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