Act 1: Ch.32 - The Dragon & The Queen's Descendant

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The hierarchy of power has remained unchanged for hundreds of millennia. Within the transcendent constructs known as Relics, individuals ruled over kingdoms of Relics; seven kingdoms for each the Ethorian races. The Demoreal Kingdom, the Ethereal Kingdom, the Vironeal Kingdom, the Argoreal Kingdom, the Izereal Kingdom, the Rimereal Kingdom and the Orthareal Kingdom. Each of which ruled by an Overlord, a title bestowed to an individual that would reign over their entire race, their duty to bring their respective kingdom and people strength, prosperity and peace.

Despite these titles and the massive influence and power they bring they are rather small in comparison. In the grand scheme of things, an overlord isn't special. Above them however come the real titles of power. The Sovereigns. Four individuals representing and standing as the strongest of the most powerful forces in reality. The Cosmos Sovereign, Head of the Cosmos Family as well as it's strongest member. The Ethorian Sovereign, ruler and strongest of all the Ethorian races excluding the Ethereals that dwelled within the C.F.R. The Rogue Sovereign, a figure not tied to any alliance nor rule over any territory, free to do as they wish. Someone who possess power to hold their own and potential to pose significant threat to all the other Sovereigns combined. Finally, The Dragon Sovereign, the being who rules over the entire species after beating the previous title owner in one-on-one combat. The current holder of that title being the very Erebus Laos that loomed over me.

The literal mountain of a dragon swivelled his head to face me; although a good mile away, his devilish head consumed my entire field of vision as if he were right up in my face. Erebus' eyes, smoking blood moons, gave off a faint red glow, illuminating the darkness that his shadow had plunged the entire area around me into. Like search beams they locked onto me, bathing me in the glow as I stared back defiantly while my survival instincts told me to run.

The sound of whimpering tickled my ears and I glanced back to see Azura, her small body shaking, almost violently, in fear. She looked at me to which I responded with a warm comforting expression and held my finger to my lips. It surprisingly worked as the little girl's hyperventilating turned into slow shaky breaths while her body's trembling stopped. After Azura had calmed down I returned my gaze to the Leviathan Dragon whose breaths could be heard with ease, a low growl that sounded like a small earthquake.

"Well?" Erebus Laos spoke, his voice rumbled like a volcano, the sound vibrating the very ground and through my entire body with the volume of thunder. "Speak or do you wish to continue this little staring contest?"

"After that dramatic entrance of yours I thought it would make the most sense for you to go first." I answered casually to which the mountain slithered forward, taking a step with the claw on its wing that shook the earth. "But since you wish for me to talk how about I ask why you wanted to see me so bad that you stopped me from being lizard food?"

The far ends of Erebus' lips seemed to curve up slightly, as if smiling at something mildly amusing.

"Careful with that casualness towards me boy," Erebus rumbled. "Just because I wished you to be alive at first does not mean you shall remain so. The sole reason you aren't ashes is because it's not every day when you hear of a white-haired boy with crimson red eyes accompanied by a little girl. Your life is still intact for the small fact that I find it mildly curious."

I narrowed my eyes as I tried to get a read on the dragon while it slowly circled the mountain I stood atop of.

"And what about me is so curious?" I asked, although I had begun to put it together.

"The eye colour that solely belongs to the Cosmos Family, the colour of hair only found to those with active Primordial blood, combined and found in one single boy out in a far-off Relic accompanied with a little girl. Who wouldn't find that curious? Novarion Cosmos, descendant of Cynthia Cosmos."

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