Demon Queen (P/Finale)

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The streets of Ruberious were littered with the unconscious bodied of Humans, civilians and knights were laying on the ground unmoving. Their eyes held pure, unadulterated fear. A fear beyond their comprehension, so much so they did not even know that they were in fear.

Footsteps echoed as a figure ran through the unconscious bodies, avoiding the bodies as he moved towards a single direction at high speeds.

(Just what is happening...) [Akiko]

For some sudden reason, Akiko's hands had begun to tremble lightly when he was praying in his Church. He had just been done giving a sermon, and people had started leaving his church one by one. Some chose to stay and pray alongside him, whilst others had important matters or business to attend to.

However, the people who were in his Church had all fallen unconscious, their pulses still lingering but their minds entering a deep sleep. He was alerted of their unconscious states when he suddenly turned around to the sound of a body hitting the ground, followed by several others hitting the ground aswell.

What's worse was that the humans seemed to be overtaken by fear, their eyes portrayed horror he had never seen before. Even his hands trembled as his face contorted into a mixture of fear and shock.

Even worse was when he left the Church to get help, only to find practically everyone fallen unconscious on the streets. Even the Holy Knights were no exclusion and had succumbed to the same fate as the rest of the individuals.

What's more, he had sensed where exactly this feeling of dread was coming from, so he had unsheathed his Katana and currently made way to the site. The closer and closer he drew, the more sure he was that the direction he's heading in...

True Hero Mariabell Rosso's household... [Akiko]

Akiko had only negative thoughts about this woman, he had only met her once during his entire life.

That day, when he was face to face with the woman, he was at loss of words. The woman had a monotone expression on her face, but a strange feeling washed all over him when he stood Infront of her.

His mind was in turmoil, alerting him of the danger this woman possessed. It screamed at him to get as far away as possible from this person, or to defend himself by unsheathing his blade and swiftly cutting her down.

However, his body felt as if it had been coiled by a snake and was slowly being suffocated. He started to feel shortness of breath, his body stiffened and didn't move a single muscle as adrenaline rushed all over him.

That meeting was the first and final time he swore to meet with her, renowning her as a woman unfit to wield the title of a True Hero.

Any show of respect for her when talking about her with fellow Holy Knights back was simply a facade so he didn't get into trouble, even now he refers to her as Mrs whenever talking about her in public. Yet, in his mind and when he used to be alone, he would always refer to her with no honorifics.

(But it's not her that is doing this... Luminous-Sama?) [Akiko]

Akiko leaped into the air onto one of the taller buildings of the Country, trying to zoom in on what the hell was happening at Mariabells residence.

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