Everything went bad... [part 2]

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[ After 2 hours]
I started to hear the voices of workers near me.

-Ah shit.. my head... What the hell is happening here?! Let me go!! [Yn]
I shouted when I saw two workers near me. As soon as I spotted them, I began to move, trying to get out. It was a bad idea because one of the lab workers came up to me and hit me in the face with the palm of his hand.

-Ow it hurts! You stupid fuckers! Let me go!! [Yn]
I shouted again. After these words, one of the workers approached his ear and whispered:

- Not so fast Yn, soon you're gonna go be just like them! And it's gonna be painful

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- Not so fast Yn, soon you're gonna go be just like them! And it's gonna be painful.~
That was so disgusting to me that I couldn't take anymore!
After some time I started to hear other workers come back to their places and computers. There were televisions in front of me, I couldn't shake my head, so I stared straight at them. after a few minutes of staring at it, hallucinatory images appeared. They had some effect on my body because I thought I would go crazy from the pain they gave me.

I was in so much pain that I even thought my soul would leave my body

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I was in so much pain that I even thought my soul would leave my body. the pain was unimaginable. My body became disconnected from the intense pain and so did I...
[ Waylon POV]

- What the hell, where am I?! Why the hell am I locked in this chair? Are those images trying to kill me or what?! IT HURT SO BAD!! [waylon]
I started screaming and couldn't take this pain anymore, so I fainted...

[1 hour after this accident]———————————
Waylon and Yn finally wake up. They both saw that they were unlocked and could easily get out. But there was one obstacle. It was dark. Yn and Waylon found a night-vision camera with 3 batteries. That was lucky because, without cameras and batteries, we would be dead. Waylon went to find Yn and not for so long they found each other!
I was so happy that I found Waylon, without him, I would be dead. He knows how to get out of this hell. He said that it's not gonna be easy but we will make it.
What we wore was only patients' pajamas no shoes or something more for our feet.

 What we wore was only patients' pajamas no shoes or something more for our feet

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We both tried our cameras and it works pretty well! What I saw was that Waylon started to write "last messages before death" to his wife Lisa. That was sad that he didn't know if he's gonna be alive or dead. After he wrote that letter we both saw a man, but when we saw his face he was different.

- Um, I'm sorry, can you help us? [Yn]
I was so afraid to say anything to that man. That man looked at us and didn't say anything, he just unlocked the door next to us. Waylon and I are running out of there!

- Ugh my head still hurts... [Yn]
- Mines too, I thought I was gonna die there![Waylon]
While trying to get out of this hell, we both saw the men kill one of the workers in revenge for what they did to them!

 [Yn]- Mines too, I thought I was gonna die there![Waylon]While trying to get out of this hell, we both saw the men kill one of the workers in revenge for what they did to them!

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while we were watching, one of the men came closer to us and said:

- You two, come in. [one of the guys]

We both looked at each other and did what he said. We went there, and one of the patients who was next to the worker said:

- Come join us! To make revenge! [one of the guys]

after these words, he took a knife and stabbed the victim directly in the heart several times. What we saw was not the best view so we got out of there!
When we went out we saw one man sitting on a chair. We thought he would do nothing but we're wrong...

[author message]

Hello everyone again! I hope y'all enjoy this one!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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