My New Ejective!Let's Begin!

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"What do you think happens when you die." I said as I cocked the gun and pressed it to the temple of a marines head.
"Do you see the white tunnel or just see nothing but black. We never know do we." The marine boy started crying and screamed for his life not to be over. I pressed the trigger and blew the man brains on the blue brick wall, I walked out as if I just got rid of a powerful weight on my shoulders.
"What a piece of shit." I said walking down the dirt road. I put up my hood realizing I had blood across my face, I walked into the nearest bar and sat in the back drinking a fresh bottle of rum. When I heard people shouting and walking into the bar. A man with green hair had a girl by the hair with a gun pointed at her head, I looked at the man and he looked like the new pirate from our neighboring island. I live in the South Blue and the islands here are always sunny with scolding temperature, thats why I've always worn shorts and tang tops. The girl screamed every time the man moved his wrist, she should've know that he wants to hear her scream what an idiot. Then one of his crew member leans in to the man's ear and pointed in my direction, I looked down thinking he wouldn't dare to look at me or even try and talk to me, but he was more stupider than he looked. I sighed as I heard his footsteps come closer and closer, he took a seat from a other table and parked it on the other side of me, he kicked his feet in the table breaking my bottle of rum.
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He said making me barf a little in my mouth thinking he could get in my pant with that cheesy ass line.
"No, but I scarped my knee crawling out of hell." I pulled out my scalpel and dug it into his temple making his crew drag out their swords and run to attack me. I jumped and pulled out another scalpel cutting the pirates throats and watching them fall to the wooden floor. I looked at my jacket and saw it was covered in men's blood, I stripped it off showing my perfect body and reached into the back pocket of my shorts and throwing a gold coin onto the bar and picked up a dead man's backpack that was heavy. I left to the harbor to see the pirates ship, it was wrecked by a much bigger ship that didn't give a shit about the smaller one. My forehead vain popped out cause of how mad I was, I throw the backpack and heard a meow from the backpack. It made me very worried that I may have hurt the cat in the bag, I opened it and saw a green colored cat and she had a mean expression on.
"You look mad." I said and the cat hissed at me like she knew what I was saying, the cat grow bigger and knocked me on my ass as I watched the cat turn bigger.
"Did you eat a devil fruit." I asked the cat and the cat only smiled showing me her teeth. She throw up her paw and thrusted it in my direction, I jumped and landed on my hands sliding backward to my feet.
"Wait a minute." I said putting my hands up and the beast didn't listen slamming her paw down almost hitting me and my pretty face. I didn't want to hurt the poor animal but if it wouldn't listen I'll have to do something. I pull out my scalpel and the cat looks at me with watery eyes and then a grin crocked on the animals face. My scalpel shined in the sun light and glared in the cats purple eyes.
"Do you like shiny things?" I asked the cat and she cocked her head like I was right. I put my scalpel away and the cat snarled and I smiled still holding up my hands.
"You don't like me, I get that but what if I cut you a deal here." She turned small and waited for me to say what my deal was.
"If I buy you something shiny would you protect me." I raised an eyebrow seeing if she would join me or ending me on the spot. She meowed and climbed up my clothes to sit on my shoulder.
"Let's be friends." I said and she pressed her forehead to my cheek and purred which made me smile, I've been alone for seven years. Now I'm wanted by the world government, which has been a struggle on my life so far. I walked into town and found a jewelry shop.
"Got a name." I asked the cat and she shock her head 'no' and snuck her head to my shoulder like I brought bad memories back to her. I thought for a couple of seconds and smiled knowing the perfect name to match my new white cat.
"How about Jinx." She looked at me and growled and I rubbed her chin and laughed.
"You're a cat that can transform into a bigger cat, Jinx's is the perfect name for you." She jumped off my shoulder and hopped around the jewelry store looking for the shiniest thing she liked. She pointed at a scarlet ruby on a gold neckless, I pulled out four gold coins and the jeweler looked at me and laughed.
"You need eight more berris than that Darling." I smiled and punched throw the glass taking the ruby and running for dear life. Jinx clawed onto my shirt and wouldn't let go till we were safe. I ran down to the beach and cut the jeweler off guard, I should give him some credit dude can run fast. I breathed deeply and coughed trying to get air to my lungs so they would stop burning.
"Oh god..." I breathed coughing at the burning sensation in my throat. I attached the ruby to her collar and it looked pretty, glowing on her white fur as the sun shined on the jewel.
"It looks good on you." She posed and smiled showing her sharp teeth as the happiness spread down her spine to the tip of her tail.

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