Option Two • Beta Reading

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Just as it sounds, your partner will be reading your book from beginning to end, at which time they'll answer fifteen (15) of the beta reader questions you select. This is a great opportunity to see how a reader responds to your work. Or, maybe they'll shed light on a few plot holes. Beta readers will also be required to answer the Comment Topic questions each week over all chapters read for the assignment but answering only in the last chapter of the round's assignment.

NOTE TO BETA WRITERS: Your manuscript must be completed to select this option, even if you are still in the process of publishing it on Wattpad. Those still publishing, should be following a regular update schedule and have the schedule listed in your profile. If you haven't finished writing your book yet, please select a different critique option.

NOTE TO BETA READERS: Those Wayfarer's members in beta-read partnerships are encouraged to keep a journal (electronic or otherwise) that tracks their partner's beta questions. This will facilitate the quality feedback that they (and you) expect. Waiting to build opinions and draw summary conclusions at the end of a beta-read partnership is inherently difficult, both in recalling specific examples to illustrate how we arrived at our opinions and conclusions and in ability to provide other feedback critical to a successful beta read partnership.

RULE OF THUMB: List the 15 questions and take notes while reading each week that support those questions.

Below are the questions from which to select fifteen (15) for your partner to answer at the end of reading the book. Please provide your list of questions to both your partner and the book club via DM at the start of your first active round.



1. How interesting was the first chapter? Were you hooked or mildly interested?

2. At what point did you think "ah, now the story begins"?

3. What were your expectation levels about the book based on the first few chapters?

4. Were you able to understand the setting (where and when) of the plot?

5. Did the story hold your interest through the first few chapters, or is the point where you started to lag?


6. How predictable was the plot? Were you able to see where and how the story was moving along?

7. Was there suspense/tension regarding the conflict?

8. Did you notice any foreshadowing for the third act?

9. Was there something in the plot that kept your attention from the main plot?

10. Did the climax work for you? Was it believable?

11 .Were you confused about the story line or the time lines in the plot at any point?

12. At any point of the book, did you feel the storyline lag and you had to skip over? Did any part make you re-read for it to make sense?

13. Did you find yourself skimming pages? At which part did you put your book down/take a break?

14. Did you pick up on any plot holes?

15. Were there any scenes or exchanges between characters which you felt did not further the plot?

16. Did any explanations or revelations seem too contrived or contradictory?

17. Do you feel the story started and ended in the right places?

18. Was the ending satisfying?

19. Was the ending believable?

Wayfarer's Lamppost Book Club • Vol. 6 • 2024Where stories live. Discover now