Small author's note:

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First of all, if you are reading this, I thank you immensly for giving my writing a chance, and sincerely hope it pleases you. 

This set of poems is a work I had presented to my teacher, in which she greatly admired, which then gave me courage to try and present it, for to me, this is one of my favourite works. 

As mentioned in the summary, I express my love for nature across these poems, and my fondness of life and its diverse meanings. 

I hope you enjoy the next poems. If you could, and would not mind, I would ask you to please add a vote to my work, if that's all right, haha. 

*I just wanted to add a small brief mention which I thought would be important to note: I am muslim, and yes, you will find in this book certain links to Islam. If you do not like the fact that I am a muslim, or that this book contains Islam, then you are free to click away. Thank you for having wanted to read though.*

Have a good read.

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