this isn't fanart just a rant

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rant cross-posted from tumblr... i'm so unoriginal ik /j

stupid rant warning!!

i swear on my life if balloon loses s3 i officially give up on this fandom. IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE FOR HIM TO WIN! it closes his plot perfectly, satisfying ending, silvers plot can easily be resolved in the final episode (like cmon be srs) and cabby... does she even have an important enough plot? like i get shes trying her hardest to not use files n stuff but i feel like they didn't push her storyline enough... poor underrated girl :( still, i believe balloon deserves the win!!! plus, it'd be pretty funny to see suitcase and nickel cheer him on in the background of the finale ngl, they'd be so confused- but anyway, i feel like balloon needs his own house m8. sure, he made up with the hotel but he'd be better off in his own seperate house near the hotel!!! imagine how cute it'd be if he had his own place and i just... ajhdjfjw

anyway heres my nonbiased opinions on why he should win!

-it finishes up his major plot perfectly

-he deserves it from all the character arcs this man has gone through (yall don't give him enough credit)

-nobody on the adamations short said balloon should win (like give him respect ugh)

-i feel like adamations has that plan anyway, it makes major sense and it'd feel really wrong for anyone else to win just because of favouritism. personally? balloon winning closes up the season perfectly instead of leaving it feeling like theres something missing. it'd honestly be so satisfying seeing balloon hug his friends when he wins, testtube and cabby make up after she realizes cabby isn't a bad person, and silver gets to be with his bbg. perfect ending, no additional stuff needed.

balloon deserves to win, period.

balloon deserves to win, period

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