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I suddenly had this idea for and Si-Oc pokemon fanfiction and on a whim decided to write this chapter in 5 hours. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter and please leave a review I enjoy reading the feeback on the story.

The first thing that Adam realized was wrong when he woke up was that his bed was as hard as rock, but he brushed it off thinking maybe he woke up with a stiff back and his bed just felt worse than normal.

The second thing that alerted Adam that something was wrong was how frigidly cold it was. However, he thought that maybe it was just extra cold that morning since that had happened to him a couple of times before in the past.

The last and most important thing to tell Adam that he was not in his broken bed at home was when he opened his eyes and the light shone in through the cave's entrance and the view of a couple of... Zubat on the ceiling?

"What the hell!" yelled Adam in a clear panic. The Zubats did not appreciate the loud noise and started flapping their wings aggressively and flying away further into the cave. Though, they let their displeasure be known and screeched at Adam as they flew away.

Adam, not wanting to risk being attacked by the purple menaces, quickly grabbed the bag lying next to him and booked it for the exit of the cave and into the forest.

A couple minutes later of sprinting Adam was sure that there were no zubat in the area and stopped to catch his breath. He then took a look at his surroundings. It was an ordinary forest that looked like it had gotten snowed on recently. He finally started to fully take in his situation.

"Holy crap, I just got isekaid into the world of pokemon!" Adam thought excitedly with a silly little grin on his face and jumping a little with the pure excitement running through his veins. This was stopped however by his foot suddenly slipping underneath him and falling on his butt.

Adam let out a couple curses rubbing his bottom that was now a little sore from the fall and picked himself up.

"First things first." Adam said to himself. "Figure out where the hell I am and what is in my bag

Adam slung the backpack open that he had grabbed on his way out and started looking for a map. The second he opened the pack up he realized that this thing was way bigger on the inside than he had originally thought. The first thing sitting on top was a wallet.

Adam grabbed it and opened to see what was inside. There were some dollar bill looking things that could be likely deduced to be pokedollars there seemed to be some money, but not much. The more important thing was a card, more specifically Adam's trainer id. From it he found out his name in this world was Adam Frost and he was 18 years old. Not his last name, but at least he had the same first name and age. It also came with a picture of what he looked like in this world.

Earlier, He realized as he was running that it was not his body mainly due to the fact that this body was a lot more fit than his previous one. Not to say he was fat in his previous body, but he wasn't fit. His face looked similar to the one he previously had, but there was one main difference. He still had his dirty blonde hair from his past face, but now he has light green eyes compared to pale blue ones he used to have. It wasn't a big deal, but still made a difference.

Adam then put the wallet away and started looking at the rest of his backpack. He found what looked like a two person tent, two big containers, and the scariest and most exciting of all were 3 pokeballs. There was sadly no technology like a pokedex, pokewatch, or extransceiver. There was also no map in his bag.

Despite there being no map or technology Adam could use he was thrilled about the 3 pokeballs. He now had the chance to fulfill any pokemon fan's dreams and be a pokemon trainer. The scary part was the thought that there might be pokemon already in it. If there was, he was gonna have to explain to the pokemon what happened to their trainer or why he didn't act like their normal trainer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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